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Hey all!

I am so, so happy to finally say that we have landed in PA and I am squared away! Obviously, our furniture and items will not be here for some time, but Gus and Echo have Graciously given us a space to make our own!

That means I will be getting back to work come Wednesday! I am going to take Monday and Tuesday to recuperate. This move was .... incredibly draining. I am so fucking happy to be here and to feel so welcomed and loved by my wonderful friends. As for streams I'm gonna check to make sure that all is well with them, but it should be like normal with MWF streams however they will probably be way earlier!

Commission updates are coming as well, I feel so, so much better mentally with the stress of the move removed now. I can't wait to catch up financially and on my queue, and I will be working diligently on it asap! I will also take the time to update the Trello soon! I apologize I have not done that.

I truly can't wait to get back to feeling like myself. Despite it all, I refuse to let my work schedule ruin my life a 15th time. I'm going to work normal hours and take things slowly. But regardless, your work and pieces are coming, and from a much happier and healthier Angell.

Thank you all for the patience and kindness. I won't let you down.



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TAKE A WEEK OFF. like...from everything. just breathe, get snuggled a lot...and drink something ya enjoy. Chill and find your flow.