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Hey all!

I wanted to toss a little post here about the move and the recent TOS changes from Patreon. As you all know, they cracked down on my side of the industry, thanks Patreon! So I have been crafting up a brandy new Subscribe star, and I'll also put the final touches on a Kofi. Basically, a Kofi will operate as a payment pass and the Discord will be where all your content is. I'll look into discord subscription as well, but honestly I can't truly decide if that's a good or bad Idea. We'll See. SO All in all, basically just two new subscription options and a well maintained discord (yippee).

MY Patreon will not be taken down until they will it so. So hopefully we can just fly under the radar. The goal is to have these things made and done when I get to gussy's because honestly I already have far too much on my plate. 

Speaking of the move! We are officially down to the last week of work for me! My last day working will be next Friday, and we'll probably do a nice personal art stream to round it all off and just hang out. Wanted to give you all a little time frame for this!

Monday-Thursday I will just be working on my regular queue, as much as I can get through. With Our regular MWF stream schedule. That Saturday and Sunday will be the last bit of packing for me. And then I depart on Tuesday the 26th! From there it will probably be 3–4 days of driving alone, so you won't hear much from me then, unfortunately. When I get to Gussy's I'll probably need a good week to get the pets settled and everything unpacked/handled. And deal with our item delivery from the movers. After that, I'll be back! I am not sure how much streaming will happen while I'm at gussy's, but I'm sure we will figure it out when I get there!

Thank you all so, so much for your patience and support to me these past few months. It's been hard physically, financially, and emotionally. I am more than ready to settle for a long while. But that time is coming soon, and I can't wait to see what I craft up when my mind is at ease ♥

Love your




oh i am so glad to hear about your subscriberstar!! i was really afraid this would be the end of your art career, and i didn't want that to happen. i wish you well on your move!!


Never! I'll always find a way ^-^ It is really sad that it's getting so hostile for NSFW artists but I'll always try my best ♥


I knows Moving is scary but it will be Fantastic for you to be closer and For us to actually be able to hang outs and Have Us Time! Its gonna be Fantastic and your gonna have so much less stress!