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Part 1 here!


The unnamed frigate squadron's valiant effort to at least distract the Paragon from razing every major cities down to ashes were worth it but at the cost of their own lives as its primary thrusters were knocked out by a torpedo barrage. The damage done to it was enough to keep it in space, allowing the ground missile forces to keep harassing it with constant missile strikes, thus preventing any friendly forces from reaching it to repair and support.

Upon realizing they might lose a top-of-the-line battleship right at the enemy's doorstep,
they finally deployed their trump card into the battlefield. A legendary ship that was feared for its sheer firepower and technological supremacy, and there were several of them too as they intend to settle this fight once and for all. Unknowingly to them, the Auroran High Command assumed the Paragon to be the invader's flagship shortly before the reinforcement's arrival. It could contain a wealth of knowledge based on alien technologies and secrets, allowing the Aurorans a chance to fight back if they're able to push them back. The order was clear, "Capture or destroy the enemy flagship at all cost."

Luckily, the main bulk of the Auroran Defense Fleet have finally arrived just in time to join the fight. A sizable detachment of warships with the brand new Reisen class battleship serving as its flagship, accompanied by Rillaru class battlecruisers and other smaller escorts and carriers. Supported by Solvernia herself, providing ultra-long range fire support so long as she's being fed with reliable and accurate intelligence.

This will be the final battle that will decisively decide the tide of the year-long siege. Will they survive?




Absolutely gorgeous piece

Pljuska Burek

Love pieces like this from you. Hell, you can make out parts of the loadout that the Paragon has. Really nice.


love it