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This may or may not be introduced in the next test version. What do you guys think?




B is symmetrical which I love, but E probably looks the most interesting.


I'd say D due to the fact it appears to look like a pocket Cruiser, which I love the idea of. With E being another strong choice.


The Nakihas have been good to me, so definitely D from me. A super Lovela would be great too.


I love the Nakiha slick design, but at the same time I feel that Lovelas are kind of left alone without any purpose, long story short the D variant is something that I'm very partial too, but I'd love to see E just to give Lovela variants a place


B and C are roles I'm interested in having in my fleet. Conversely the other 3 I'm interested in because of their aesthetics.

Nicholas E. Zonenberg

I'm always a fan of super ship versions :D And Project Super Nakiha looks awesome! I'm all in on it option D :)


E's design is the most striking to me mainly because I have a soft spot for heavily armed gunships and the design is also somewhat different from the general layout of the other DDs making it stand out.