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I just wanna ask, why do you guys support me on Patreon and what kind of content are you expecting in general? It's okay to speak out loud, I wanna know what kind of audience do I have over here since its quite numerous.



Well, you have a great mod going for you, quality is good, story is good, art is good too, so why not support it a little bit :D


I really liked the design and vision of what you wanted to do. So from one struggling uni student to another across the causeway, I thought that I ought to try to help you out even if it was only a little.


I'll try to be brief. why do I support you on Patreon ? Simple answer : because I can. Longer answer : because I enjoy playing your mod, I enjoy your ships designs and the general feel of the UAF ships. Your mod so far comes with a lot of ships and every ship has it's role. You bring in the sector a whole faction, with it's strenghs and it's weaknesses. Another thing that made me stay, is the doctrine, the UAF will hold the line, but it can also adapt itself to other strategies and that's why it is fun to play with. Also having good dakka is a good selling point. About what I expect content side : I'm curious about the stories that you want to tell, I'm also curious about how the ships and the faction will evolve. On a more personal level : your mod made me replay Starsector after a 6 year break, your mod also made me remember some part of my childhood and it also made me re-explore some old universes that I used to know. I also think that the quality level of your mod deserves to be supported.


For me it was just a way to show recognition and appreciation for an awesome mod that also rekindled my fire for Starsector.


anime titties, the unique and fleshing out of the UAF faction, the aesthetic of the faction ships, and watching UAF haters cope and seethe about the faction being too powerful. mostly because I enjoy the UAF faction mod I dare say more than the base game


Interesting ships designs, gorgeous artwork, and well developed lore around a faction. This mod convinced me to try Starsector and figure out the economy.


UAF is the only reason I play starsector. it only seems right that if I want you to provide me with more content and enjoyment that I should make it a little more worth your time and effort 👌

Jazuke Taizago

I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything or go into a long winded wording of anything. I came here, after having tried it for a while. The result? The Mod, or should i say: Unofficial Expansion, is God-Tier. If i was gonna list the Top Mods that makes me absolutely happy and keep coming back, it would be UAF amongst extremely select few of my Favorite Mods, due to my high standards. It is simply one of THE MOST highest quality Mods i have ever had the honor of enjoying. Thank you for making this. With that said. Thank you, to you and everyone else who has been and is working on this. You've made me a very happy man, indeed. Now. My last wish would be to make my own Faction, make a permanent Alliance with UAF and go berserk on everyone else (Maybe i'll spare Spindle, they seem to be on decent terms with UAF). Peace and take care!


Good and fun mod. There is also great potential and fun in the vision your mod is being develop towards and great art direction. The mod in it's current state is part of the best and highest quality mods out there in my honest opinion. The future that you propose for this mod makes it on the level of a great mega mod without being an overhaul. The fact you stuck with this project when so many others left their mods. The lore is already pretty well thought out. The art is good from portraits to ship design. This being a big one for me is unique and fun gameplay. I don't really care about balance since not only is it a single player game Starsector in itself isn't exactly balanced to every digit. Fun for me is playing unique things with cool or interesting mechanics. UAF having a story and story mechanic and NPC interactions as well as unique rewards that even vanilla didn't try to attempt is also great. Your mod is pushing what vanilla doesn't have and could potentially had to enhance the experience. Mod collabs are also pretty cool and is a neat touch. The long short is that you do so many small thing that add up to a project that is really cool and fun. I and I believe many others love the way you do things and the thing you have created.


I am a simple man, very pretty character art and cool ship designs had me. As much as I like Starsector if all portraits were like this I'd enjoy it much more. As for expectations I don't really have any as I subscribed here the same day I played the mod for the first time. If anything I'd only hope for you to keep on enjoying working on it for long time to come.