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Hey fellas, I am still developing the mod steadily actively despite all the conundrum I face on weekly basis.

I'd like to know watcha guys think of the mod, both good and bad - so that I know what to fix or add depending on what my players seek. We are approximately two patches away from finalizing the mod - so we're technically running out of time and space to do major revisions.

Feel free to post your opinions below!



I think UAF lacks some ultra long range weapons (range: 1200+) for the capital ships. But for other things, it was great and balanced already. Also wonder if somehow in the future we could get the Hyper aria blueprints from a quest line or something similar to that?


Some one time prototype phase ship so uaf runns have something in phase category, maybe cruiser or capital phase ship will be fun or even converted Inazuma or Seniraja


what they lacking is laser technology and phase technology


I would like to see a vanilla ship in uaf style. Like they must have seen a ship somewhere in the starsector that they could capture, convert and use.


Officially, I don't intend on keeping anything locked behind something if the player goes through the UAF campaign - so no, you will gain access to everything the faction has to offer in the final product.


An interesting proposition, but unfortunately it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It'll just be another mundane reskin of vanilla ships which is actually fine so to speak - but considering the already huge size of UAF mod ( nearing 100 MB! ). I don't think they'd be part of the main mod, perhaps a sub-mod?


Maybe an “old” UAF ship of the line design that was brought back as a stopgap to heavy persean sector ships or remnants.


Im thinking heavy armor, large ballistic mounts and lots of pd but no shields. maybe a ship system that can recycle uaf large ballistics quicker but with less range. i think it would fit in with uaf lore while helping them not suck in knife fighting range


IE crossmod items like an aurorian item u can put on the ie academy building


This might just be me being bad at equiping ships, but i find not a lot of ships can tank for extended time, so id like to see a few brawling focused ships, perhaps a cruiser with fortress shield or a similar uaf system.


Hi, I am getting vanilla officer recruits in UEF planets like Aurora. Can change it back so only UEF recruits spawn in UEF planets?


I'm feeling quite good about where this mod is heading. Your mod is not only of high quality, but is also thematically well-thought out, following a design scheme that is internally consistent, beautifully crafted, and fun to play. I find it hard not doing UAF starts or immediately allying with them in my playthroughs since discovering your mod. My only concern is really the mental and physical toll this project seems to have on you, and hope we can in some way lessen that burden.


I like the idea of recommissioning old ships into the fray but there's the concern of bloating the mod. After all, we're already above 100 MB download size - but then.. if we're already beyond it, why not go bigger right? Hah!


I am suffering from success. The mental burden is overwhelming to say the least. It's mostly from the vocal community via unfair treatment and all kind of negativity. There's no way for you nor the UAF fans could do about it. I will never 'weaponize' my fans against it either. I understand the concern but I'll be okay I hope, I'll have my episodic moments of emotional outburst but that's okay... that's just me... Just pray that I'll have strength and willpower to go on against all odds, that's all I ever wanted. You guys, regardless of financial contribution and whatnot - are what kept me going. -- If God wills it, I will finally earn my peace when or if the queen finally find her way back home.


The mods in a really good spot right now there isn't many things I would say need fixing only thing that I could say and this is me being autistic about only making homogenous fleet comps. I wish there was more auxiliary ships for the special factions mostly automata since the RN has the Nebula Bravo. maybe something along the lines of a phase freighter idk. Aside from that good work so far.


Everything about the mod seems to be shaping up amazingly. At first, I was disappointed by the lack of destroyer class vessels, but after playing for so long. I have found they really don't fit in the play style that the UAF encourages. Only real question is are there going to be anyway to pickup some of the fancy UAF fighter-based skills for the player or other captains? Perhaps some more fighter based hull mods for more carrier heavy fleets? Love the mod and look forward to what's to come.


i'll be honest the one thing i don't like about the mod is almost all the fighters/bombers have over 15 second replacement time ,making the light ones hard to use when you know they are going to just be munched by point defense. would be nice to see the lower tier fighters with a lower replacement time. another this being the prototype destroyer's nuke being pretty underwhelming pretty much pushes enemies out of the way more then blowing anything up unless its a frigate or fighter/bomber. the energy based ballistics take a bit too much flux a shot to be viable for the ships that would use them (talking about the ones that have a chance to do extra damage one shields/hull) as they easily eat through most ships flux stats. other then these minor issues ( for me anyway) the mod has been alot of fun to play around with the ships aren't overly strong and feel pretty balanced( not talking about the super cap's though


I just want to see all the story content finished. Cycling through the options and getting blank reactions is just depressing.