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Apparently this is a major update according to the amount of contents we have been stacking since 4 months ago. If you're expecting some kind of detailed, expertly organized change log then fear not - your worst nightmare came true as we don't even have that at all!

No starfarer, that boat you see on the banner above are not in the game yet. That's Roria Esvernia class Automata Super Battleship - the 'pocket' supercap. She's not ready yet.

No... starfarer, this isn't save compatible either. I'm sorry.

UAF discord when? uh, soon I guess but not that soon.



Due to how effectively my small troll of moving a certain file away which caused the portraits to be missing, here's how to get it back;

1. Go to Starsector/mods/UAF/data/world/factions

2. Go to that one secret folder and follow the next instruction


From the top of my head, here's some of the highlighted stuff;

- 3/4 of the UAF ships have been remade into up-to-date artstyle

- Some ships are de-commissioned to reduce overall 'bloat' of the mod, but further enhances the remaining assets.

- UAF weaponry rebalanced 5 times over, folded a thousand times and sharper than my pencil. Now supervised by Nia Tahl

- UAF ballistic weaponry visual improved, again by Nia Tahl ( this guy are invading into the mod quite literally )

- New dialogues for the queens and more!

- UAF ballistics are now color categorized! ( Green / Blue / Orange = Fragmentation / Kinetic / High Explosive )

- UAF market theme extended by Narumi, they're all 3 minutes long now!

- New weapons added, a fochton of them in fact to fill missing roles in respective mount sizes.

- Semibreve is now even more glorious, thanks to Yimie's new sfx!

- Minibreves are now GUIDED, I'm not sorry. ( Fighter version damage reduced by half for balans reason )

- Rafflesya, the fan favorite will now remember to drop their bombs early than slam dunking enemies in the face. Beware of friendly fire potential!

- We now have over 100 portraits, yay!

- New automata gunships now available! Existing gunships have been upgraded and now more resistant against EMP, this applies with Raffle-chan too.


Basically if you haven't notice it yet, there's a ton of changes and additions I did for the mod. GO FIND THEM OUT YOURSELF >:V

... and please report back any bugs or crashes that I missed. Thanks and enjoy!


HOTFIX uploaded, do tell if it works or not.




You done a great work CY. Happy birthday


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday, Happy anniversary!, have a good rest and don't forget to procrastinate :D


Happy birthday!! Sad to hear that Taufans got nerfed (I was expecting it to happen) but very interested in seeing the changes to weapon balance. The visual changes I got a chance to see in the streams looked super pretty, very excited on that front.


Thanks a lot! and Happy brithday


Happy birthday fren, we will blow many heg ships in your honour and the queen.


Happy birthday! Also I think the Lovella is fugd, she only has 2 small ballistic hardpoints in the front, when it even looks like they are supposed to be medium, also the bakery can't be built either, I have gotten the approval from Nia, and I am commissioned, and its still locked. Odd


Happy Birthday!


So I was looking through the new ship designs and noticed the Aeria charlotte class... out of curiosity how would one switch the the "Exploration" version of the hullmod?