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Wadaya guys think? 

There are some problems with my design atm;  

although the only large gun emplacement snugs in pretty nicely in there, it feels pretty awkward because a typical naval gun mechanism are mostly vertical and take a lot of space which will ruin the forward silhouette.  I also did not consider where the cargo bay or entrances might be, and the maneuvering thrusters are hastily placed.



Visha Oakwood

While starsector seems to have no issues with that (see the dominator) I myself feel that it should only be an energy mount at most. But I'd just make it a large missile slot


The fighter bays look like they could fit on the forward wing/hull/whateverthatpieceiscalled and the cargo could be right behind the secondary bridge and before the vents. It looks like a combat vessel so you dont need that much cargo room. The front looks more appropriate for like a built in ion canon/railgun or missile barrage system. That being said though. You could do away with the naval gun and add some sort of built in cannon... With that being said you know what you want to do with it. All i can do is give suggestions and fork over all my possessions to have that in my fleet.


Is it just me or the conning tower looks like a reeindeer? As for the large hardpoint, it would better if it's an energy or missile slot if you don't want to break the aesthetic of the ship. That or you can make it a hangar bay just like the Arquiten in the Mandalorian TV show.


Needs a few missile hardpoints somewhere. I'm thinking either VLS cells (ex. built-in Chorus AMMs) tucked behind the superstructure, or a cluster of Exoscar tubes recessed into the forward/lateral armor plating. maybe that's the November or Automata variant?


if the verticality is the problem with the large center mount, consider looking at a casemate-type mounting. for example, armored clamshell up front, gun is serviced internally from the rear. or, instead of using a large turret you could join the cult of spinal mounts.


re: cargo bays, entrance if the lower antenna can fold upwards, and landing gear (cargo plane wheels? repulsor skids?) added to the lower-aft portion, then you could use the area near the secondary bridge as a combined EVA/External Access and Cargo Bay. If you implement this, the ship will gain Design Quirk: Awkward Retrofit - When landed, it tilts back at a noticeable and slightly uncomfortable angle.


how about place the gun under