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For some of you who may not know, there used to be this one period where tourism over Favonius were... overwhelming. So much so that it lags or even crashes your game.

We canonized such event by calling it the Tourism Battle Royale because people are willing to kill each other in order to skip queue into the only resort world to ever exist known to mankind. 

So uhh, wanna be featured in a Tourist Memorial Station? Patreon and Fanbox supporter will be given a mention in there if it wasn't a hassle to name everyone. But if we're unable to name them all, we'll mention you guys and you'll know it when you see it!

Wadaya guys think? Sounds cool? Or perhaps there should be some hidden mechanics alongside it for giggity reasons?



I think that's pretty neat to have. And a bit of extra fun.

Haruka Junko

Secret event that pops up and the player can get into a 'reenactment' of it.with rewards based on choices made. The reward being small things like 'a crown that signified you as the winner of the royale' stuff that does ethier nothing or maybe gives you a new companion