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-Added hints for Alexandra to tell player to mine in Nur with special function (save compatible)

-Added Leona Banford upon request, base commander of Hem Fayette (requires new campaign)

-Colony items fixed, they'll now provide what they're suppose to do.

-Balance adjustment suggested by Ironclad Lion; Automata gets strong but narrow shield while November gets stronger armor but weaker and wider shield. Additionally, Standard ships will now recover CR a lot faster like vanilla.

-Several ships are given new DP changes, i.e Rillaru and Reisen.

-Semibreve ammo count down from 4 to 2. Don't worry, you can still load it up like usual and increase ammo via vanilla expanded missile rack.

P.S - you might wanna back up ship_data just in case if you dont like this change.



The shield changes seem a bit strange. Wouldn't November, with the stronger armor that can tank small hits, want the smaller, stronger shield?


Actually, automata should be the one with strongest shield as they're the sub faction that favors shield and maneuverability over classic armor. The new patch is my newest attempt to differentiate and distinguish all three subfactions without making anyone irrelevant. Oh and I applied your Supolev change suggestion as well! Thanks for providing a constructive feedback in the forum!


aw shit, here we go again. *starts brand new campaign for the third time in a week* The changes sound really nice though, although I agree that I think the sub-factions should have the stats swapped around. Something like November gets weaker narrow shield, with Automata getting a wider stronger shield.


Although I believe the change is good for the uniqueness of the factions, the change on the Automata having the small strong shields with high mobility makes sense due to smaller focused strength and faster reaction of the fleet to be able to flank and all that. While the wider and weaker shields but stronger armor on the Royals makes sense as shields are an after thought for the Royals with their strong shields, only for the durability on shields to be used on anti-armor and anti-hull.


Comapred to vanilla designs: low-tech heavy armored ships usually have weak & narrow shields cuz their hulls are protected by strong armors, while high-tech ships are weak armored with stronger wider shields, meaning they rely on shields more to protect their hulls. But hey, feel free to balance the fleet with your preferred flavor. We players can adjust them in ship-data.csv to match our own flavors anyways ;)