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Just wanted to keep everyone up to date with a little written update <3

I am active every day in my discord server, so if you want to keep better up to date with my work, joining there is a good idea!

First off, thanks for another month of support everyone! <3 It means a lot ^^ now onto actual updates: I'm back working mostly full-time on the next SD update. With any luck this one won't take a year to get out :D I am planning on trying to get SD out to the public with the completed first chapter by the end of this year, so I think for the next few months at least I would like to commit a decent chunk of my time to it.

So far I feel like I'm making pretty good progress on coding the next set of systems, and I've put together a new male human model to use for characters in future :3 a majority of the next update is going into the exploration and encounter systems, but I am also adding in achievement functionality, the texting/phone interface, and refinements + more impactful implementation of the player stats and their impact on branching paths c:

Hopefully before long I will have some more visual work-in-progress stuff to share, right now it's just me wrestling with python classes ._. 

As for other work, I still have a few projects outstanding that I might dip into as breaks between SD work, but for now I am focused on getting the game to the next level of development. Once I have a majority of the core systems coded and future-proof, dev should speed up dramatically, since I'll just need to do the writing and 3D aspects of new scenes ^^

I do also plan on doing a major character overhaul of my main OC models once the first chapter is done; including touched up visuals, rigging, and new/improved clothes and detailing, just to give everyone that extra level of quality :D but that will come after chapter 1 has mostly been finished!

Thank you all again for the continued support, and remember to check out the latest SD build if you haven't played it yet!

Have a nice week all, thanks for reading <3


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