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Hey everyone! I hope you've all had a nice week :D I'm as equally nervous as I am excited to announce that the first playable build for Special Delivery is ready, and I'm releasing it now to all tier 2 + 3 supporters! <3

For those unaware, SD is a visual novel type game project I've been working on for a while, though I'm doing my best to add a bit more complexity than just a standard VN, much of that isn't in the playable build as of yet :D it's set in my original IP of Aslithe, and will involve a lot of my original characters!

This project has been 14 months in the making so far, and for how long it's been in development, this build is quite insubstantial in terms of length, but I hope you can enjoy what's there and that it gives you a reasonable taste of what to expect from the project in future!

This is the first real build of the game, and I've only had a limited amount of testing done the past few days, so if anyone downloads and plays it, I would greatly appreciate any typo/bug reports! To install, just extract the contents of the .zip to a folder, and run the exe!

I should also point out, SD is more than likely not compatible with mobile devices, I haven't tested it, but I would imagine everything breaks on mobile :d so stick to desktop or mac!

Thank you all for supporting me long enough to enable this project! It's without a doubt the biggest source of happiness in my life right now haha, never has a project been more creatively fulfilling for me <3 Please enjoy, and have a lovely weekend! Download links are below:



Oh, and please let me know if these links die at some point D:




Bumped up the tier of my support for this. Incredible work! Keep it up!


Wow, thank you! I am glad you like it :3 I'll be sure to keep the dev up as best I can, lot more features to add for chapter 1!