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Hey all!

It's been a strange week! Launching SD was a massive milestone for me, and now that it's out in the world, I feel both relieved and infinitely more stressed :D because now I have the job of keeping the ball rolling at a decent pace!

I'm going to start making (at least) monthly updates on SD's development, sharing progress and insights as I go to keep everyone informed, and hopefully cut down on the possibility of people wanting to support the game feeling short-changed <3

First up: I'm sticking to a new work schedule I've put in place for myself! It's been 2 weeks since I started it, and it's got me essentially working full-time on my 3D stuff again c: Averaging 50 hours per week! So hopefully SD development moves much, MUCH faster than it did with chapter 1, and I can get updates out in a timely fashion.

Right now I'm planning one more small patch for chapter 1, because there are some minor bugs and typos to be fixed, then after that I am putting a bow on chapter 1 for the time being and moving on to chapter 2 properly. In fact, I've already started work on chapter 2!

All but 1 of the character models needed for the chapter are done, and I will have some WIP shots of the new girl hopefully mid-late next week <3 I'm presently script-writing, scene-building, and animating some preliminary scenes for the new chapter, and again, will have a lot of WIP content to dump later on, I'm sure!

I'm also going a fair bit of house keeping for my little 3D environ, and am devoted modest time each week to cleaning up my models, rigs, general workflow, presets, etc etc. The more robust I make my tools, the easier the renders and actual substantive content is to make <3

There's not that much else to say right now. I'll have some stuff to post soon because I'm slotting in a few timeslots for side-projects every week, and I finished a pair of renders with Bailey earlier today :3 you can check those out in the discord if you're there! I will probably post them fully on Tuesday, since tomorrow is both Alua's and my birthday <3

Thank you all for your support, it means the world to me, and without it I couldn't keep doing this <3 oh, and again, remember to join the Discord if you haven't already! Link your account here to have the bot pull you in with a supporter rank <3 I post a lot in the channels there!

Take care everyone, thanks for reading!


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