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Well the poll is over and miss braids seems to be the clear winner :D And I can see why, she's pretty cute, looking both curious, nervous and clumsy. It's a nice combination XP  

Next I will do a concept page for her, this time in color, and with full body poses. I'll probably ask you more questions about her design along the way ;)


Minamoto Terumi

Cute, nervous, clumsy, unfortunately terribly bullied, and about to get her revenge... Maybe.


Agreed, she seemed to be the perfect choice! At least, she looked the part of what you were describing; cute, a little shy and nervous, a very unassuming look.

David Dent

All hail the braided neko! Prepare for her a traditional winner's meal of ten shrunken humans! Hoysha!


As customary for the winner of such events, I say she deserves a crown....of flowers. Yes....no evil intentions behind it at all....nope!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwmeH6Rnj2E" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwmeH6Rnj2E</a>


The operation was a succes! &gt;;3


i just hope she is non prey character.


we shall call her handlebars - until she has a name proper - and even still after that


Dangit, I missed the poll completely. Stuff has just kept coming up to distract me lately. ^^; On the plus side, I have a weakness for braids, so I'd have voted for her anyway. xD


Yes she will do just fine for that role I think :)