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As you know, it was the idea who won the vote for the next Patreon comic ;3

Reminder of the base pitch :

A group of adventurers have gone out to find a certain object or relic, only to find out that when they get their hands on said object it shrinks them! 

Now the startled party have to find a way back through a route home that has become 100x more dangerous due to a certain size reduction. Just making their way back to the entrance of the temple would be a journey in itself, when simple cracks on the floor have become menacing pits and all sort of items are now obstacles or walls. Not to mention they left one of the member of their group at the entrance ( For some reasons I’m imagining a shy, introverted female neko ). Who was too afraid / sick to enter ? And now that they are tiny they are slowly realizing she’s now a predator? ( especially if they mistreated her before )  Or maybe instead of a member of the group she is the guardian of the place ?

The idea is still to be developed in term of scenario but it would play a lot on the shrinking and the perspective you have on the world when you are small, and it would also focus much more on the prey perspective too :) 

So let’s see ^^ 

As I see it this idea’s flavor is going to be mostly based on the shrunken people’s point of view and playing on the Neko girl’s emotions and feeling which are going to be quite different from your typical pred :3

There is a lot of different things to do on the theme though ^^ 

First: the characters :

-For the Neko girl I imagine her  to be shy and a bit clumsy. Maybe the fidgety and nervous type ? No idea for a name yet

She could be a guide hired from a nearby neko settlement by the group in order to find the temple. She would refuse to enter it because of ancient tales speaking of doom for trespassers.

Or maybe she is with them but she's simply too afraid to enter ( phobia of cramped spaces ? )

Or she could actually be a guardian of sort for that relic and concealing her identity ? Her personality would then be more deceptive and devious of course.

-For the group, nothing too precise yet but I imagine it to be composed of members with different personalities. They are going to be more developed than I do usually for prey characters in order to have a lot of interaction between them ( For example a loud, greedy asshole, a silent, sharp-eyed efficient guy, a soft-spoken, understanding member etc )

For the relic itself :

It could be a trap : the object is a fake treasure :  it’s relatively easy to find and it shrinks all those present in the room in order to protect the real treasure which is hidden somewhere else. Or it could be the real treasure but protected by a spell. It could be either a pretext that is only briefly mentioned in the beginning, or in opposite, be a recurring element the story is built around with a precise goal from the group to obtain it. 

The time in the temple could also vary from simple introduction, to being a really important part of the story.

Personally here is how I imagine ( very roughly ) the story unfolding based on those elements: 

-The story starts with the group finding the relic. They are shrunk and must now find their way back to their normal-sized companion. A good way to develop each of the members through events as well as having some impressive scenes with them once they are shrunk and suddenly finding themselves in a very intimidating environment. ( I like drawing those X3 ) 

They eventually manage to find their way out and come back to the entrance, finding miss neko sitting and reading. She doesn’t notice them, absorbed by her book ( and because a very noisy bird cover their voices ?). Two of the adventurers decide to « escalate » her to get her attention. One of them could fall into her cleavage at some points ( classic GTS scene XD ). She would become startled by it, would turn red, panic, fall on her back, making one of the adventurer fly and land…. right in her mouth ! She swallows him reflexively. The rest of the group is horrified. They shout at her to quickly cough him back up. One of them is an asshole who insult her in the process and mistreated her when during their way to the temple. He becomes really rude, she get mad and eat him without thinking !

Now the group is really freaking out.  Another adventurer press her to cough them back up but this time he is one of the « good » guys and he manages to get to her. She tries to cough the two back up but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t. Miss neko now really start to panic under the pressure and guilt and eventually she passes out !  The group is horrified by that turn of event. Their comrades trapped inside her call them for help as the neko’s stomach is starting to produce gastric juices. All of them try to wake the fainted neko up ( from outside and inside  ) but without success.

The group decide to try and rescue their comrade by using a rope. They attach it to an object ( maybe a fruit ) and the plan is to make the neko swallows it. They put the rope in her mouth but It doesn’t work. The neko just continues to sleep without swallowing. A sense of urgency is mounting as the two in her stomach really start to become panicked ( there are some nice inside shots to make here X3 ) 

The group draw straws to decide who will have the task of going in her mouth and pushing the object in her throat to force her to swallow. You can imagine what happens here XP  She eventually swallows both the object and her comrade, and wake up suddenly. Either she cuts the rope by closing her mouth or the element where the rope was anchored breaks, but a third member of the group ends up in her stomach. 

The remaining one(s?) is completely panicked as well as the neko. They have no rope left and miss neko still can't manage to cough her meal back up. The remaining one suddenly has the idea of having her eat a certain plant that is supposed to make her vomit. The neko rush to eat it but it was the wrong type of plant ! Instead it makes her fall asleep where she stands. This time the fate of those in her stomach is sealed. When she wakes up again, one hour later, her digestion is well underway.

Awkward moment with the remaining member, probably a mild indigestion as well.  I can imagine some mixed emotions from the neko girl ( After all she is from a predatory species )

Eventually, once the neko is feeling better they start the way back. At this point either it could lead to the end with the remaining member (s) surviving and commenting on what happened. Or it could be an ironic scene where she SOMEHOW ends up eating them by accident XD  but maybe that would be pushing it too much though ^^ 

Like I said, it's a very rough take on the idea ;)

I really think as a whole it can be a very nice comic, with both some great vore and body exploration and funny moments, playing a lot on expressions and faces ^^

What do you think ? Please don't hesitate to share your own ideas, thoughts and suggestions here ! I’ll soon sketch some concept for the neko girl so we can chose how she will look ;3



I can see a bit of focus on the pre-shrink stage of this. The relationship between the future giant and her bosses. I could even imagine a giant who was a core member of the group with low status, perhaps left to guard the camp or so.


Or perhaps they had to leave other members of the team behind as they trekked to the objective. An asshole upper echelon in the expedition sacrificed people to get by themselves, who then turn out to be deadly perils on the way back. But perhaps there's too much moral in this.


I like some your ideas for the base story, especially that this a clumsy mostly unwilling pred. But it seems like the biggest question will have to be what is the story behind the Neko. Because if we decide that she is a clumsy guide then that is fine. But if we take the the idea were she the Guardian of the temple, I would feel the story would be going more like this. The Adventures find the Neko in the forest and ask her to lead them to a a temple they are searching for. She leads them there but makes an excuse to not enter with them. They go in and shrink. And instead of the Neko just staying outside she hunts them down in the temple since they are now small, but also tells them that if the escape they can go free and will return to there normal size and have the treasure. And then we follow the group trying to leave the temple as they are now being hunted by there guide. That I would say is an Idea if we go with the Neko being the guardian of the temple, but again I feel like we would need to vote on that aspect of her character first.


As long as the comic is long (more than 5 pages) I'm good with anything 😂😂😂


Note: I am only giving suggestions and ideas, not forcing you to use them. Miss Neko being the mole would be a great idea as this turns the table and makes the story dramatic. But I really wish she would be a more aggressive one, not a predator who ate them all accidentally(you decide). Maybe Miss Neko could be the one who casted the spell to shrink them and awaits them outside of the temple, or trap them in a place near the relic. To see that you've already written that much so I tried to not make it too specific, relating to my own interest.

David Dent

I like the addition of a nervous little neko gal guide who consumes her team thinking they are tinies only to realize in horror what she's done. If you don't want to have any regurgitation scenes have foreshadowing and have a conversation between the neko and the group where she's nervously blurting out how she has no gag reflex because of a rare disdorder. As for using more detailed humans than usual I would suggest we have some Felarya specific classes and races on this trip. The real question is does the artifact shrink their clothes? Or is that part of the reason the neko doesn't recognize them? =P Tomthumbs don't always wear clothes after all~ But yes getting back to classes and races I think it'd be hillarious to have one or two of the shrunk be Inus who were previously bragging how much bigger and stronger Inus are compared to nekoes and now they have to revise their statements XD


I like the idea of the neko girl being a put-upon adventurer who's been with the group, now finding herself in an extremely altered power dynamic. One Idea I'd find nice is to have the surviving member be the one the Neko got along with best/think's is the most cute; the Neko could decide to take them home as her pet. For the relic, I'd imagine it being protected by a spell that's meant to make it harder to get to; perhaps the adventurers chicken out from going through the extreme new trials they'd need to do to actually grab the relic, instead going to get their remaining member and having her do it for them with her huge size, with them telling her wear the trap point is for the shrink spell so she can avoid it, but they end up in her stomach instead. Similarly, perhaps the neko could take her new pet survivor in, get around the shrink trap and take the relic and her new pet home with her.


I don't really have anything to add on, moreso just saying that what you have is a great concept and I would really like to see this character go through with it. I think a lot of your art is very "Predator Hunting" focussed, so seeing an unwilling predator would not only be different but also something unique and we can really use more of that diversity. I mean, if we wanted to see a forceful hunt and willing vore comic, we can go read literally any of your other ones, so a new take on it with what you have written would be great. Suggestion for possibly an ending, to rub salt in the injury (but also a comedic effect), that if they were shrunken by a trap, that it turns out the artifact (which could be a necklace or ring) returns people to normal size and all they needed to do was activate it but they never did (they could have decided to still leave the temple with it carrying it over cracks together). Too late for the adventurers that were swallowed, but a cruel happiness for the survivors. And if more people get eaten at the end by the first person who grew to normal size, as she was always fascinated by eating other people/neko's for some reason like she was one of the nice people who got teased and wanted to get revenge, then I would be fine with more vore after all.


I'm with @Homer4hire247 and @Hola that the neko is the guardian of the temple who prepared the shrinking magic trap for the adventurers she guided there and now that they are shrunk either makes a hunt for them inside the temple or waits until they get outside. I imagine her being shy, introverted, nervous, clumsy was just a role she played to easily gain the trust of this and many other groups who are foolish enough to seek after and enter her temple while her real personality which she reveals to the now shrunken preys is the complete opposite. Since shrinking magic is mostly used by a certain species of predators maybe the guardian even is a hybrid between a neko and a fairy who concealed her wings and antennas with her powers.


Alright, I love the idea you have for this. Normal people turned opportunity predator is one of my favorite vore scenarios. I really like the idea of the pred being a shy neko, who is too scared to enter. This is a more original plot having her as a predator rather than her posing as the guardian, which is something I could see happening all the time and a bit cliche for Felarya. With that said, I think she should be a native Neko not affiliated with the group, and mistreated so she has no guilt for eating them and has the beef to do so. I'll try and work on a name. :D


All of this works rather well, though I suggest varying the genders of the tiny group (I'm a sucker for Female Prey with Female Pred) and possibly having the last tiny be a guy that was hired muscle and actually befriended the Neko girl (I mean it is actually interesting and cute when you think of a silent guy that was to be hired muscle is now protected by a giant shy cat girl). I think you should go with the Neko girl being either a guide or a member of the group already with one or two of the adventurers being her friends already. I think a good name for her might be Leona but I leave that part to you. XD

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Just my opinions... I belive it should start right as they enter the room. One of the members goes to grab the relic disregarding anything anyone elae says resulting in their delima. So far I enjoyed to scenario you already discussed. The neko being to scared to go into the temple because of local lore. When it comes to the other adventurers (4 of them) the idea of a jerk, a modest, a quick wit and a narcissist would make a funny combo. If we go off your start. With them not being able to get her attention and one falls into her mouth (maybe while yawning) suddenly she swallows. The jerk getting nomed cuz his attitude. The narsasist bragging they could get them out only to seal the deal for them. Which there could then be a conflict between the two tinies causing them to fight. During the fight the narcissist could say some very mean things leading to the neko wakes up overhearing and proceeding with newfound jerk #2 leaving the modest guy who cared for her to be left.


Maybe on their way back to the entrance ( when they are already shrunken ) one of them is falling into a portal trap which transports him into the stomach of the neko girl / guardian . And when the other get eaten later on ( maybe in the ways you already explain ) they either meet up with him again in the stomach or find his clothes or something that indicates that he has been digested already :3. What do you think about it? ;D


Well her being shy and introverted is merely a suggestion :3 She could be playful, energetic and with a changing mood, that could work too I think :) I'll definitely take that in account when I do some character design for her ^^


Karbo, then make it a long comic lol


Oh you surpassed my expections about the story^^ I would prefere the shy member of the group, who knows them for a long time and is friends with several of them, one can still be a mean bully for more personalities but that would make the panic, guilt and propably the dialogue better, also a guardian and therefor real predator is a way to common theme. After that your ideas are great, altough you're rigth that swallowing them all in the end would be way too much. Instead it would be great if you could spend enough panels for the time after the fatal awakening to really flesh out the akwardness and comments, the indigestion is a really great idea as an icabreaker to start the conversation :D


Another +1 for the nervous neko guide, I think that just seems like a more interesting direction! Though I'll note that I also feel it's the most tricky to get right, especially with all of the interactions you have planned. It could be *very* hard to keep the story from turning especially dark, if the neko was at all friends with some of the ones she ends up eating. Personally, I don't like such scenarios very much for that very reason, it's hard to really take enjoyment from a story that ends with friends essentially killing their own friends. (in fairness, I'm also biased due to fatality making me uncomfortable to begin with, but it's the above especially that I'm most bothered by.) Having the neko be more of a hired guide, and possibly one who is a predator in some sense to begin with, might make it a more smooth transition; eating a group that hired you is obviously a no-no, but accidents + people insulting and pushing her could turn that pretty quickly. Having the last survivor be more understanding of her side of things and put under her protection as a result could also emphasize somewhat that she wasn't just out here to get some easy snacks, she really did mean well despite the outcome. All in all, I think it's a great concept you've got here! My biggest suggestion is just to try and approach the plot with a bit of tact, so it doesn't all end up leaving a sour taste for some readers. ^^


Hmm, well it’s definitely a good start and definitely a story that’s worth making! So I’ll pitch in my suggestions. First, I think it might be best to keep the Neko as the shy, kind of clumsy variety rather than the secretly deceiving kind of character. It might just be my preference on character types here but I think the story flows a bit better without the twist that she was behind it all, and makes for far better catharsis for the assholes that picked on her before. Might be good to explain why the group even let her come along. Perhaps she was a great mouser, hunting neeras that stole their food and supplies, and her ears can keep them out of danger. References to that might hint at her predatory nature when she’s introduced, perhaps as an offhand warning before the first one is eaten. Some comradery between her and the “nice” adventurer, who likely will survive the event, would also be nice. Ahhh inside shots, I’m really looking forward to this one. The slowly rising levels of gastric juices being a ticking clock, every burp stealing air, the neko apologizing in frantic fear. Personally, when she swallows the leaves that make her sleep, I would have the people inside start ripping them up to help them break down. Maybe even shove them into the intestine to speed things up, if they could. As for the Relic and the temple I really don’t know much of what could be done here. I’m certain someone below me has better ideas for the dangers they could face, like lizards with snapping tongues or other tiny preditors, or perhaps the traps are still active, but I don’t have anything too specific. The Treasure itself, maybe it’s a prank left by a powerful fairy wizard who took the real treasure a long time ago. I don’t know. For the ending I would prefer the Last group member to survive in the end. At the very most I would say mess around with him in her mouth if he says something offhand with an irritated look on her face.’’ Last thing: The way you described her, makes me think her hair style is like the main heroine Mikoto Urabe’ from Mysterious girlfriend X. But you’re the professional artist, not me. :P Its your story man, go nuts! I’m looking forward to it!

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I like your rough idea. I especially like that she unawarely eats two of them and eats the second one due to being scatterbrained. So I think she should be clumsy/scatterbrained.

Maplesburg Publishing

I really like the story that you laid out. As for the different options you described: I prefer the neko girl to be a long-time member of their group rather than a guide that they recently met, and I very much prefer her to be the shy, abused member of the group rather than the secret guardian of the treasure. I would like the ironic ending where she somehow manages to eat the last member of the group by sheer incompetence. I think it would be funny if it tied back to the insult that the rude guy made before she ate him, especially if the final member of the group is the one who stuck up for her the most against that insult. So like the rude guy was ultimately correct, and the guy who defended her pays the price for continuing to place his trust in her.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

And I'd really like if the ending had her accidentally eat the survivor(s). If possible then it would be great if we also saw her releasing the remains. Possibly with her being really guilt struck over what her body has done. Though I don't know whether you're comfortable with going all the way.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I don't see what the problem is with having the story turning especially dark. In fact I'd actually quite like it if it goes in a dark direction since that in my opinion makes for the truly great stories. The best stories leaves you sitting with a hole inside, feeling sad about how things turned out. You can't really get too dark.


I think that rough outline is great. I'd personally prefer the nervous shy neko who's been with the group for a while, just because that has more of a table turning aspect to it.


Not a bad idea having them all get eaten but your other idea is so gross.


I like the table turning aspect, but I think the neko should be more into the whole eating bit, either after she discovers how it feels to eat the first one or from the get-go. That being said, I am biased as I don't care for unwilling pred vore. o.o


The story sounds like a ton of fun. From a character perspective, the only thing I'd like to see change is the part about the neko angrily eating the asshole dude. It kind of undermines her meekness if she reflexively kills someone, right? But don't change anything on behalf of me- you always nail the situational humor elements (which this story has in spades), and I don't want to say anything that might accidentally throw off your artistic zen.

Enigmatic Jester

I like the idea of accidental vore with a rather innocent pred, so that's definitely the characterization I would prefer. I think this would also satisfy the unaware vore scenario that was posted in the previous poll, so that's nice too. Don't know how lewd you're willing to make this one, but it would be fun if the adventurers shrank out of their clothes - making the situation especially awkward for a mixed-sex party. I understand if you're not fully comfortable with that or drawing male nudity (although I seem to recall a faint sketch of a penis near the end of A Princess's Duty". Anyway, I like the idea of her feeling ashamed and guilty for accidentally eating some of her friends. She should definitely eat the ones who've been mean to her, and while I wouldn't mind seeing survivors, I think it would be good if she accidentally ate someone who was more sympathetic toward her. I'm picturing a scene of a few of the explorers entering the temple and one of them expressing remorse at the way they treated the neko girl - only to get accidentally eaten later. I imagine it'll be a mix of different genders getting eaten, which will help to satisfy everyone. However, I noticed that you primarily used male pronouns in your descriptions of the prey (probably placeholders, I know), but I would definitely prefer more female prey over male prey. Tension is really important in situations like this, and I think taking some time to focus on the prey that's already been eaten and their struggles to get out/alert their friends is essential. I agree that their friends should be able to hear what's going on in the girl's stomach - which could be especially traumatic if you set up their relationships with one another ahead of time. I think that after the neko passes out and they're trying to shove food down her throat that it might make sense for the victim there to fall into a stomach that's already halfway filled with acid. Nothing gory, mind you, but we don't get to see sloshy swimming-pools of acid in your preds too often, so it might be nice. It may also be funny if she tries to eat the plant to regurgitate the survivors, notices it's not taking effect, and starts ravenously shoveling more and more into her mouth, perhaps accidentally eating one of her friends who happened to be sitting on leaf. It's a little ridiculous, but it might work. Since she's not necessarily vindictive toward the surviving members of the party, I think it might be nice to end with her vowing to help them find a way to change back to their normal sizes - only for her to get distracted and have them picked up and eaten by a bird/lizard/worm/frog or other creature for comedic effect. Better yet, she could accidentally burp on one of the survivors, causing them to be blown backwards into danger. It would be a darkly comedic ending that highlights her hapless nature.


With ya on the more female focused prey aspect. I'm more into that too ;-) . I mean who says that the bully has to be a man ^^ .


This entire concept sounds amazing. Love it. Love it. Love it. I do agree that even if she didn't mean to, eating the second guy when provoked seems to step on the vibe a little bit. Totally up to you, but I think it might be funny if he accidently gets eaten too, but she can say something snide like maybe she didn't feel so bad about eating him. Of course she'd still want to save him. Just an idea. Whatever you decide, I'm positive that we will all enjoy it.


Agreed, keeping the vibe consistent (or at least transitioning smoothly) is pretty important, I think! If she was implied to be more predatory early-on, that would also help maintain a consistent vibe; to my knowledge, many neko in Felarya do prey upon the smaller neera and such, so while eating one's own party-mates would still be a stretch, eating living beings in general might not need to be all that alien to her. Still should probably need a lot of provoking to push her to that point though, assuming her character isn't exceptionally predatory from the very start.


So, Time to shift into Turbo. (sorry, new mmpr movie coming out). 1. On the relic: I think it should be like... something stupid like a fairy's earring. Like Nemyra's tongue ring or something absolutely stupid to a fairy, but of great power to people. Maybe they're on this quest because a powerful fairy let them live in exchange for getting her earring back? 2. I love your idea for the neko's persona. I think this is a good chance to branch out in design too - like we've seen tigress (sorta), generic - how about making her like a leopard, panther - or the thought i'd had previously - like one of those really fluffy house cats that has the super bushy tail - which would mean she's probably spoiled abit, which would also explain the clumsiness. Another idea is to have her not be the usual guide, but rather the secretary who decided she could prove herself despite the guide's warnings. It goes without saying, that if we're getting body exploration - now's the time to push the limit's on figure. Wouldn't be exciting if someone got dropped into the cleavage and there isn't much of it now would there? Since she may not be the normal guide, she would probably be abit more "stacked" because she's not always out showing people around? 3. The party - i do feel like there should be atleast a couple of survivors for this to come off right - though at the end, since she's probably been getting teased and all, she might look at the last couple and tell them to think about the bright sides to being the pets of a Neko as well off as she is? Who knows - a slight personality shift may work, because she's not going to want to go back and blab out "oh by the way, i ate the party i was paid to guide". This may be made abit more believable by the mixed feelings she might have. It'd be easy now to cross that line since she'd actually eaten humans... hell maybe this whole story is a back story to how she now hunts humans by taking them to this temple. Maybe she knows the fairy who may own the artifact. Who knows. I do like the concept of their being decent people and jerks in the group - makes for some storytelling amidst the accidental feast. 4- The money shots - IE, the vore and such. Treat it like a total fanservice anime broseph. Go all out. Also, try pushing how far you go in showing the process - test yourself lol. Not saying you gotta go deep rising and show melting people. I dont think too many people are comfy with that, but i think alot of inside and outside shots here will really add to the urgency, and power of this scenario. Maybe since she may not be that predatory, or act on it often, her body is in total heaven welcoming her new guests or something. Who knows? TLDR: Go all out on this one - it'll make the whole scenario much more impactful. Overall, i like the scenario that you've laid out - and i think just tweeking that will get us a better result, because you will ultimately have alot more fun doing it in the end.


You could play off of a fear of punishment at the end. The neko could be afraid of the consequences of allowing the last adventurer to live to tell the tale. But, she doesn't ethically agree with eating the last one. This internal struggle would create the context for the ending. Will her self-serving fears or ethics win out?


I think the relic should be a artifact for turning small people into giants. The relic could work by the victims reading the spell or drinking a potion. Then the person who wants to be giant must swallow the shrunken people and digest them. After a short time... Wahla, new giant or giantess. This could work for any of the neko's roles: Guardian, traitor, or clumsy guide. What I really what is to see her loose her clothes when she turns giantess. That's all I got, can't wait to see the results.


mhh I see, a turnabout is fair play type of thing :3


I really like the rough premise as you've set it out so far, especially the hapless personality type of the neko predator, and all the accidental vore and her panicking and passing out from the stress of everything. Lot's of potential for lewd comedic effect here. x3 I kinda prefer the idea of her being a hired guide, rather than a real member, since her accidentally digesting actual friends is a bit darker, compared to acquaintance she recently met, and I feel like this one is aiming for a silly, humorous sort of tone. Also, for some reason I kinda like the idea of the relic itself being a device for shrinking people - they successfully disarm all the real traps, get the magic treasure . . . but then somehow screw up and accidentally turn it on and get shrunken. xD In any case, it sounds like it's gonna be quite a fun ride! :D


Love the idea of course, I think I agree a little more with prinnydood on having the Neko be a guide rather than a long term group member, I also feel like the Neko should be guilty at first but then start to get a taste and her hunger overcomes her I think either that or a scene like I said before were maybe two or three of the group argue about the way back split up and find them selves in the hands of another predator who really could just use a snack right about now the predator being a slug girl,dridder or maybe even mermaid who lives in a network of underwater tunnels in the temple. I just feel like I need to see some vore that is there to emphasise that they are now technically tombthumbs and are fair game to any other predator who is hungry enough , you know some ' out to get you ' kind of vore, i definitely think it would be a shame to miss this kind of vore out , hope I make sense :) ...... also I certainly think the neko guide should be from a local tribe with all the tribal tattoos and clothes maybe she is just new to becoming a guide and what not making her a little more clumsy and what not.


yes you're making a good point here :) It also make it more believable she would snap and let her instinct take her over when the rude one shout at her X3


Yes I agree some kind of vore outside of the neko could works well indeed to both highlight how vulnerable they now are and maybe serve as some foreshadowing XD


Thanks for all the suggestions :3 for the genders of the prey, yeah I agree, I'll make sure to make it balanced in the end :) As for the stomach, well this type of scenario works pretty well with it getting filled progressively indeed. I'll play with that a lot to give a sense of urgency X3


Thanks for all the thoughts and advices !;3 You make a lot of good points here. On the subject of survivors, I feel there is more or less two ways : Either they are eaten, by the neko or something else, that would be the no witness option, which can work depending on how it's done I think ^^ but it could also be something more light-hearted with the survivor having a crush on her and confessing, letting the reader suppose the two could become lovers. A sort of dialog heavy and sweet ending. Honestly I feel both could work on their own ways :)


That's a good point ^^ I think this would depends on the personality the neko ends up having. I feel if she is just a guide for the group and has no relations with them it could work though, especially if her instincts take over at this moment. But I'll be careful with that issue :3


I like the idea of him being that awkward guy that confesses and gets the super hot girl at the end. Works out real well for him since the competition is probably in her belly


oh in this case she does recognize them but some unfortunate accidents happens XD


I love your second point there, friend. Not only the fluffy house cat look, but the idea of her being a secretary. I think it fits her personality more, and makes her unwillingness to enter more believeable too. I can even see her just being tuckered out from trekking through the jungle, and just wanted needed a breather instead of being scared. Either way, good stuff.


Thanks! I just think that makes abit more sense. It's a reason (as you point out) she'd be clumsy and everything endearing that Karbo is going for, and it'd make sense for her to have more of a figure for the exploration scenes too. After all, of Vivian went out as much as crisis did, she'd have a body abit closer- more mature, but closer because she'd be more active.


I think the taste of a tiny will awaken her inner Neko predatory tendencies. Maybe she eats the last person because she's overcome with hunger and, well, that's what Neko's do?


The guardian option is interesting because of that chase aspect yeah ^^ but maybe it would make the story a bit more classical ? At this point I'm more leaning toward the guide one I think :3


I am not decided yet for the ending, but having the two becoming friend is clearly an option yes :) For the spell on the relic, what do you have in mind though ? :3


Oh good idea with the member triggering the trap because of impatience or greediness :) If he/she is unrepentant that make them a good candidate to be the jerk XP


Oh some good ideas here ! :) She could be burping at some points and then quickly gulping some air back for them X3


If we go with vore outside of the Neko, Karbo may I suggest we use an animal? I know Felarya is full of voracious lascivious ladies, but not every adventurer end's in these lovely bellies. The wiki is full of all sorts of non-humanoid creatures capable of packing away humans.

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Also if she ends up asleep at any point, might be comical to have her purring. Sorta like her natural pred instincts kick in during sleep.


Thank you ! haha the ultimate irony XP I'm guessing that insult would have been on her being super clumsy ? XP


it's a good idea :) it's a nice way to make the tension and the stakes rise during their escape ^^