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Yes I need to focus a bit more on projects ^^;  I'm having just about a dozen of them right now, the equivalent of walking, then spotting a butterfly and happily following it XD

I'll try to finish more what I start, I promise ;3

On others news I will open commissions somewhere this next week :3 ( I'm not taking them right now though ! ). I'll announce it when I'm just about to ^^   



This will honestly be for the better :-) . You're just loosing the clear view if too many projects remain in WIP state for weeks or months while new ideas pop up that immediately drag you back to the drawing board. It's leading to both self caused stress and annoyance from some supporters who have to get used to that works they really like might get stuck in limbo for some time :( . Glad this has been brought up though ^^ . It's an important piece of criticism. Something I wanted to bring up myself for quite some time but could never find the right words for ^^; and out of respect pushed aside for good. I'm quite confident that now after reaching the next milestone and having more time which you can invest for Patreon that you will find the right balance no problem °_^.

Minamoto Terumi

Well, I do want to get a commission from you... and I just thought up a very nice subject for one I think. And to be honest the fact that you can do so many projects at once is a good thing, with the income from patreon you're probably a lot more free to explore stuff than you used to be.


Or in Crisis's case- slithering through the jungle and spotting some nekos.


Haha, I tend to have exactly the same problem! I have probably more than twenty stories in various states of completion, some that I haven't touched in months. So I'm certainly not one to complain. xD Personally, I'm totally okay with a zillion works in progress at once, since all of your stuff is so good I'm perfectly happy to see whatever 'butterfly' you wanna chase next.


yeah ^^ I'm going to continue sketching on the go but when I start to really work on a picture with colors and all, then I'll try to focus on one or two at the time :3


Thank you XP but yeah it's a problem you can encounter in virtually every creative fields I imagine ^^