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I especially enjoy the one guy at the bottom looking at the entrance to her intestines :3


Its so sexy how effortlessly she swallows


I do enjoy seeing the less popular characters get some attention. It's why I gave you that one idea of mine for Tina. (Even though she is slightly more popular than others)


I'll be honest but you should always include stomach cutaway versions for vore pictures like this from now on. You're like masterly good at them now 😲 and they add sooooo much to an already striking looking picture such as "Burp! 2" being the little cherry on top of the pie that is 👍😍 .


always nice to see some of the niche favorites like the big red elf enjoying a chance to (try and) fill that cavernous stomach of hers. patreon’s stringiness on vore-content (at least in regards to fatal) feels like it’s kinda limited the chances to see these girls in action, much less enjoy the ease they do so in and the odd serenity they give to the jungle backdrop XD all that being said, i kinda feel like Tina looks a bit slimmer than she used to - i remember she used to have a bit of a paunch to her tummy and her sides cause of her love of eating. either there’s been a drought of prey recently, or explorers are getting harder to catch - either way, hope she’s getting enough to eat! ^_^


Always love your work


Absolutely beautiful :D


Tina would definitely devour a full body tour


Hey, sorry for the slight critical off-topic but I would just like to know why it's not possible anymore to share HQ jpg. and png. versions along the standard resolution ones on release day like in the past ? (sorry but the additional sometimes weeks wait for those versions to appear is always quite annoying to be honest 😓 and I can't be the only one who feels that way) . If they are still somewhat unfinished can't you still add em and alter them at a later point for the usual refinements ? Also please don't forget about "Breastcontest", "Slugcatch 1 + 2" , "Double Dream" , the "Plum comic", "the goddess of the waterfall" and the latest "Burp! P2" which are still missing the high resolution versions (so quite a lot 😮 ) . Thank you very much for taking your time and enjoy the weekend 😉 . Yours sincerely JohnboyX


Tina thicc af, and i'm a fan!


Yes you're right she slimmed a little bit here ^^ and yes poor Tina always "trying" to fill her large stomach XD


No It's ok and you are right I have been too slow in regard to HD pictures ^^; I'll correct that shortly. For your question why I don't put HD right when I upload that's because I tend to change sometimes pictures in between. Most of the time it's just minor tweaks but still. For example on this one I'm pretty sure I'm going to rework a little bit the color of the background so it's cut more clearly from Tina's body for readibility purpose :3