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here are the finished colored sketches of this month :)

Somehow we have an edition with a few tummies used for warming here XD

- Caleb G   Wanted to see Arctic goddess carrying a couple of tiny people inside her stomach. They are entirely safe here !  she likely found them in the storm and is carrying them to safety so they don't freeze to death. A very considerate goddess indeed ^_^  

- Minamoto Terumi asked to see the great angel Ilias putting an end to Alice's quest before it even started by slurping her up on the spot ! Luka apparently disagree with his friend being swallowed buut it appears Ilias is just going to continue gulping her regardless X2

- 胃袋 守 wanted to see a naughty fairy trying to make a human step into a makeshift shrinking booth. Another one entered moments before but they are nowhere to be seen !

- And lastly Lulu requested to see Reffles, visibly in the cold and trying to get warmer with Lulu relaxing inside her warm and comfy ( if a little humid ) stomach  XD




But, December was last week. Does this mean we're still in 2021! JK. Nice work by the way.


I love the idea on the reffles one


La première en haut à gauche est tellement wholesome <3

Hawk Eye

Top right is gold 😂


bottom left! bottom left!


The Angel one is definitely my favorite. She seems to be enjoying herself with that Naga in her throat!


good! karbo has the power to embody what we imagine.


More noodle slurping is always appreciated... Even if some noodles are held too highly for such things. ;3


That is Alipheese Fateburn XVI, Alice for short, getting eaten by the false Goddess Ilias. With Luca down below trying to save Alice. They are from a game called Monster Girl Quest that is has monster girls do lewd attacks against you.


Swing faster Luca and save Alice from the false Goddess! I also like the ones where two giantesses are helping people from the cold.


So, does the booth automatically teleport you to her stomach? If so, what happens if you put the fairy in her own booth?