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A little run down of what can be expected in coming weeks and months.  As always it's subject to changes and adjustments  ;3

-So first : finishing the black-hole chan comic. That means giving it proper shading and volume, finalizing all its effect and so. Like for the Rita comic I'll divide it into several pages. I set this one as a priority so you'll see it soon :3

-A short comic with Crisis. Yes it's been a while :D  This one is going to show quite a bit of her insides.

-Two of those long vertical comic you are starting to see more often from me ^^ One with Plum  ( the teal harpy ) : the premice is that huge burp she's releasing and that human who is hiding from her. This one is going to concentrate a lot on the prey's point of view when she'll be discovered and when Plum is probably going to use her trademark 'fling up and catch on the way down" on her X3. 

The other one is going to be with Subby and her use of Belly warp to catch some reluctant prey. While drawing the latest picture of her I realized I, in fact, never did something using that ability of her  and that clearly must change !

-Finishing and finalizing the succubi at work pictures Several of you asked me about it and I admit I clearly dropped the ball on that series ^^;   I'll make sure to give all the illustrations a proper finish.

- Commissions pictures and upgrades. I have quite a long list of them and many of them happens to be really great with good potential to make interesting and unique pictures  I plan to start on them soon ^^

-A breast contest !  Yes Vivian will finally have the chance to take her revenge on all those senseless and silly butt contests XD

-Various illustrations: There are many things I have in mind really ! Pictures for Felarya, the ganguro, the Elf police squad, various fanarts etc.  Coming months are going to be interesting I think ;D Stay tuned !



Nothing with the tomes? A hell of a cliffhanger...


Oh hell yeah, nearly every one of those things you just mentioned are things I've been waiting for! More Crisis is always a good thing, its good to see Plum again, more of that Succubi at work, and last but CERTAINLY not least, the trials of the titty, featuring none other then the big titted goddess herself, Vivian! <3


"A short comic with Crisis. Yes it's been a while :D This one is going to show quite a bit of her insides." I've always wondered what a naga's full digestive tract looks like. I imagine it's somewhat different from a humans, being that they have no butts and all


This all sounds fun and exciting X3

Enigmatic Jester

Yes, I am very excited for the Plum comic! I hope we can see that one soon!


I’m excited to see what’s to come! Your works are always something I look forward to. I know it probably won’t happen for quite a while, but if you ever have any open commissions space I’d love to share ideas and requests


Sounds like fun times ahead. Very excited for black hole chan and and a breast contest has been a long time coming!

Killbot 7783

I look forward to seeing Crisis's insides as well as Subeta using the belly warp ability! I myself have thought about commissioning art for abilities like this, which have no art to show them off. However I'll leave this one up to you XD Also it's good to give Vivian a, shot in the new breast contest.


All very intriguing. Lookin forward to all of it really.


I have missed Crisis. Any chance on the eventual When Crisis Met Léa? Maybe with a nightmare sequence of Crisis swallowing Léa?

Hawk Eye

Sounds good


hope subby uses her ability to absolutely stuff herself.


I’m all in on the breast contest. I’m an ass man, but for the nagas, you got not choice. No losers here lol!


That all sounds fantastic.


It'll be good to see Crisis again. I find my interest in the vore genre increasing as of late so this'll scratch that itch nicely. Vivian's coming back too, yay. For those commissions, I'm hoping to snag a slot for myself. I have an idea to continue that alien invasion picture you did a while.


I can't wait to see what kind of works will be released.


hope there will be more pictures of anko long tongue predation!

marius the mage

Any chance you will do another picture of Nevenez?