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A thread to discuss and share aspects you particularly like in vore if you wish :3

Personally, for me vore is a lot about the feeling of anticipation ^^ 

 For example for me, when a giantess is swallowing a tiny, it's much more thrilling if there are others potential prey around watching it unfold and thinking they could be the next ones being eaten by her.  Or having the person being eaten having seen others being swallowed before them and knowing what await them ( only this time they will experience it from the inside of the body of the giantess instead of being safely outside )

And it's the same for most of the aspects of vore. For example I love a lot mawshots in general because looking into a eager, twitching throat is exactly triggering that feeling of anticipation for me. It's a "look where you're going" type of thing ^^   

The same with hearing all sort of digestion noises coming from the stomach of a giantess, resting on her back and looking smugly at you, implying  you might be next If she catches you and she's still hungry.  If she does, well in a couple seconds, you might join those already trapped inside her stomach and being digested while she relaxes and enjoy you !

Throat bulges, teasing, licking lips and burps also very much plays into that feeling of anticipation ;3

As it goes, in vore I'm neither pred or prey, mostly a spectator ^^

Having said that, the fetish has changed a bit for me over the years. I appreciate more scene types than I did before:  For example mass vore with giantesses swallowing many preys one after another in rapid succession, almost "drinking" them like in the Vivian tent feast picture ^^   Or scenes with predators getting aroused by their meal and pleasuring themselves as they swallow or digest their prey X3  Or mini giantesses scenario where the size difference between the pred and the prey is narrower, like with the "small harpy" series, and the predator has to struggle and fight quite a bit  in order to get her prey in her belly.

I'm  interested by more pred types than before as well. For example aloof, indifferent preds like Bella or Meralimexia, or slightly sadistic and dominant ones like Chalyss, Rita etc. I see a lot more their appeal now  ^^

I'm also more into digestion than I was before . You might have noticed that in my work lately ;D



I think mine links down to codependency and just liking tummies and my general macrophilia😅I also agree with watching it happen, would be exciting to know your next😍

General RAZOR322

I’m not sure what all I love about Vore or kinda what I look for in Vore, but in general it’s lovely and I love how you get from the mouth to errr the very end. I’m a full tour kind of guy. ^^; Keep rockin your art Karbo:3


For me, I'd say it's about the dehumanization. Whether it be as food or toys, completely disregarding the micro is what I'm into. The more repulsed the micro, the better. However, oddly enough, I'm indifferent to cruelty. Too much interest in the micro undermines the whole ordeal for me, and sadism and cruelty require interest. It's for the above reasons that AV>UB>OV for me. It's also why I prefer innocent playful preds who view the whole thing as a game with toys over malicious preds. (Unaware is top tier for me 😄)


For me I like the feeling of complete powerlessness as I'm swallowed and forced down into the stomach of a pred, my freedom taken from me as I'm reduced to nothing more than food in a stomach. For that reason sexy stomachs with bumps or a view inside are just as or even more attractive to me than mawshots, although mawshots still hold a dear place in my heart. Also I love the digestion stuff you've been making recently, keep it up ;)

Mae Adeline

For me, I like a lot of different kind of vore. The most important aspect however, is the resting place of the prey. Whether as a willing sexual partner, or as just a peice of meat, I love it when the prey leaves a mark on the predator. It's why one of my favorite tropes recently has been a small, thin girl, blowing up into a large, thicccc woman from eating other, more stacked girls (Same size). Even tinies, so long as their whole mass is added to the predators! It's also why I've been liking tattooification and similar fetish, because it leaves a permanent (or less) mark on the pred that someone was there. Someone made them that sexy~ As for willing vore, it's basically sex~ I love the idea of a lover wanting nothing more than to spend a day, a week, forever on her lover's chest, butt, thighs, whatever~ Depending on the fatality of the scenario~. A woman who loves her lover's tits so much she wants to be them forever~ That kind of thing is wonderful~ On the predatory side, it's more about the glee, collection, possessiveness of it. The predator finding a buxom meal and claiming her for herself, so that her tits can grow a cup, her hips can widen, etc. She's in it for the sex appeal, the status, and the fun it can bring~ This is especially enticing when they've historically been a shrimp or small fry. And of course, mixing in other fetishes is always wonderful~ But yeah i think the big elements for me are the impact on the predator~ The lingering pleasure, or pain, of being part of her forever... or until she shares your fate, the visual representation of all the meals that progressively added to your form~ All the people you had to eat to get there~


Hmm idk I just remember watching cartoons with people getting eaten in them and it made my pp feel weird. Not sure why


For me i like the sense of dread the tiny person feels, that once they get eaten that's it, and the giantess get to continue her life happy with a meal, the less the giantess cares about eating a person the better, unaware is the best, or the complete opposite where she doesn't want to eat tinys but does anyway like your last comic 😍


i like disposal a lot, starting with mass vore. just a bunch of prey being picked up and consumed where they'll be digested into nothing but the end product along with dozens of others

Hawk Eye

For me it's more or less just the tease, and barley getting let go at the end.


I’m glad you are into digestion now. I’ve always enjoyed your work but I’ve loved it even more since.

R. Joss

For me it’s about the digestion, the bulges, becoming one with the predator, adding more to her “assets”; it’s also about the struggles inside the stomach and the predator just acknowledging it as tickles or if it’s gonna regurgitate, acknowledge the incomodity or “stomach ache”; with your 4th or 5th felarya comic I ended up liking the “slurping” mostly when the naga almost gets eaten and then staring in the throat watching the pred’s friend dissapear into the fleshy walls into the stomach


Hmm for me I'm most interested in watching someone from the outside as they are inside of a belly being digested. The perfect example of this would be the "small harpy" series like you mentioned. I'm not particularly interested in being eaten, but there is something about watching others being trapped inside a stomach and digested that fascinates me. Keep up the great work Karbo! Love all the digestion in you're recent works!


Your Small Harpy comic is hands down your best. Need more like that with struggling


I spose I like the anticipation a lot too. Kinda seeing the pred from the outside, watching her do her thing and hearing the body noises as she gobbles up people Looking into her moist maw and seeing her tongue, the back of her throat and feeling the warm air from her body. As well as admiring her form. I tend to put myself in the perspective of the prey mostly, fun to imagine being held in her hands, maybe pressed against her soft body as I hear the sound of her guts working, maybe even folks being pushed through it. I like body exploration a lot so being pushed on or walking around a big girl as she does that, maybe getting smushed a bit in her chest is something I like a lot conceptually. I also really like walking on their face as they tease you a bit before slowly opening up their mouth so you can look inside or fall in if you're on their lips. Theres also the appeal of long tongues or mouth tentacles, slowly dragging you into their waiting mouth as the moist warm extension wraps you up and squeezes you, with no chance for escape. Especially if the pred is wet, said the mermaid lover, to the surprise of noone. Then being encompassed in her mouth and enveloped in her tongue, getting slick with saliva and feeling the soft tongue push you around before it forces you back to the throat and the tongue and throat press to force you down into the tight tunnel of her throat, squeezing you down as you feel it press against you and hear the sound of her body from inside P: Being drank also has it appeals, especially if she swishes you around in her mouth a bit or drains the water off to reinforce where you're going. I also like the moment of getting plopped out of the throat and falling into a stomach, covered in stomach juices and feeling it gurgle and move around you I'm fine with digestion though personally I also imagine myself going farther generally, since I'm also a fan o full tour Fun to imagine getting sucked down as the bottom sphincter opens and squeezed into another tight fluid filled tunnel, before it squeezes you into their large intestine (which has nothing in it except skeletons and etc because fantasy blah blah). And having to climb and walk your way out to get to the..exit. I also really like insertion, just the imagery of being shoved into their..horny jail...really appeals, a tight cramped space that presses and squeezes you as you help bring the pred great amounts of sexual pleasure. As for pred preferences, I tend to prefer more playful preds I spose-I like when they tease and play with their food but I generally am not so hot on super dominant cruel ones. Depends on the picture and context I spose but I like it to be more fun, generally. Also yeah that vivian picture really got me gelling with mass vore, just seeing her go to town and gobble down so many people at once was mighty appealing. I generally like a larger size difference I spose, giants are my main thing so I like what gets done with them more but a sufficiently sized mini-giant can be an appealing thing when done right.


Oula, question complexe ! Bon, bah, je prépare mon pavé. L'avantage, c'est que j'ai déjà eu l'occasion d'aborder ce sujet chez des gens qui étaient au courant de mon fétiche et qui voulaient en savoir plus (même si certains détails ci-dessous, je ne les aborde jamais avec eux, car ça reste très privé). Perso, ce qui me plaît, c'est comme pour toi l'aspect "domination". De toutes manières, ne nous trompons pas : le vore hérite énormément du BDSM, donc il en reprend le schéma dominant/dominé, mais avec cet aspect "possessif" plus marqué dans l'ingestion de la proie. Et puis, le fait de savoir que tu es "choisi" par une géante (donc y'a cet aspect "divin" dans la taille) pour être en elle et lui appartenir tout entière, ça donne des frissons. Donc j'aime bien quand la prédatrice sélectionne UNE proie mais prend bien son temps avec, la tourmente par des lêches ou d'autres jeux psychologiques, tapote son ventre une fois rassasiée, la conserve un long moment dans son ventre si elle en a le pouvoir (comme ma génie, par exemple x3) et j'en passe. Donc ouais, j'suis observateur et proie. Etonnament, malgré que je sois bi, je suis pas autant dans le male vore que ça, à part quand les prédateurs sont androgynes (un de mes OC est un préda mâle androgyne) Donc ouais, j'suis principalement dans le giantess oral vore (le same-size, l'AV et le VV me débectent au plus haut point, je n'y arrive juste pas)


The sexual excitement of the predator is something I enjoy. I've always appreciated mass vore a great deal but your mini-gts series showed me how cool it can be when the predator and prey are closer in size. The harpy struggling and the size of the elf made it seem more personal and even desperate

Donny Man

Honestly my favorite part is the digestion. Especially seeing the food in the intestines as it moves along through her body. And the intestines are honestly more appealing than the stomach is to me.


My favorite part is the anticipation, I enjoy the look on the littles as they watch from below. I also enjoy the multiple types of predator


"adding more to her “assets” Oh yes that part is great as well X3


Ah yes the pred taking something for the prey she ate. I can see the appeal in that ^^

Semiaccurate Joe

I'm loving your work, but I'm looking forward to more pov content!


Ah yes I agree that pred / prey contrast of situation is powerful in vore :3


I generally like a lot of mouth play. My favorite would definitely be casual vore like in "Rustle Rustle" with a pinch of struggle and pleas for help.

Chance Hanley

I'm part of what's probably the minority of Felarya fans who aren't really into vore - I really like giant monster girls, but I tend to skim over the mawshots and digestion scenes and other directly vorish aspects. However, I kind of like the "VIP fantasy" of being a "special" human that an otherwise voracious maneater will not hurt. I also have a healthy appreciation for the indirect knock-on effects that the abundance of man-eating monster girls has on Felarya's worldbuilding and the kinds of stories you can tell within the setting, but that's a much bigger conversation that strays somewhat from the topic at hand.


For me I agree anticipation is really important. I personally love it when a Pred plays with their prey before swallowing them, particularly if they are being trapped by some generous boobs ;) I also love press pleasuring themselves after a meal even better if there’s some ahem “feminine vore” involved. Really interesting to see what everyone finds fascinating about vore.

Ignited Yam

For me its a powerplay thing which is just a general thing I feel with giantess. At such a size theres not much your smaller onlookers can do if you decide to have a little fun with their city or its people.

Her plaything

The pleasuring self as they eat tinies is great for me. I especially love insertion/unbirth at the same time. I’ve always enjoyed the dehumanization aspect of it, reducing the tiny to a toy or a snack or both. One of my favorites outside of that is the throat bulge and when the giant has to work for it, and their sense of satisfaction with themselves for earning their meal is great. Love the little harpy one for that reason especially, it’s one of my favorites for sure

Matthew Rowe-Blackman

I love throat bulges and digestion in vore. Dango used to be a great source of this when they still had a patron.


The anticipation as you describe is just the start for me. We differ because unlike you I want to be the prey and the thought of becoming a part of a beautiful giantess is enthralling for me. It would obviously be a bonus if she gets some sexual pleasure out of the act of consuming me as well, and I would be privileged if she were to use me to stimulate herself before eating me. I suppose it comes down to being humiliated and having my destiny to serve her body until she has used up all that mine may offer. All of that being said vore is just one of the possible outcomes from an interaction with a giantess, and I would welcome it.

Enigmatic Jester

I love the feeling of fear and disgust from the prey. There's something about the power imbalance and reduction to mere food that makes it good, especially if the girl was like a princess or some other dignified position. I mainly like focusing on the prey and their struggles, hence why I like close up, internals, etc, and anything that really captures their expression. From this point of view, it helps me to grasp the enormity of the pred - seeing just a single body part, like a tongue or uvula eclipsing the prey. It's also great when the pret realize the true gravity of their situation - like falling into a pool of liquid in the stomach that they intuit to be the remains of their digested friends. As for the predator, I'm a bit more flexible with their behavior. Sometimes I like a bit of sadism or an overt sexual angle from them. Other times I like unaware vore, where a tiny is casually swallowed and struggles to even get the attention of the one eating them (bonus points if they're friends or something). In any case, I think the contrast between one side's calmness/pleasure vs the other's frantic terror makes it appealing. That's also what makes insertion appealing - seeing how much the giantess enjoys it versus how much the girl inside doesn't.

Todd Hunter

You were actually the artist that got me into more. Ever since I was a kid, I watched characters like Tom eat Jerry. Later on, I watched Justice League and saw Giganta and got into giantesses. Then I found you and Felarya and got hooked. If you want to make a new red, you can use my Niseag race on Deviantart.com, they're a passion-taur that migrates to freshwater like the Jewel River to have their young. I'm also going to make a more aggressive version called the Mòrag. They'll be based on Pliosaurs and Mosasaurs. For an example, check out Stringsartz's commission of my character Nymue. Also, check out her bio and the bio for the Niseag. Hope you enjoy and have a good day.


It's more of a giantess dominance thing for me and the art is incredibly sexy


So I'm not big on digestion. A lot of the time I'll color over internal views as well. Hard vore is a hard pass as well. When it comes to what happens to a prey afterwards I usually think they eventually get passed out of the body; probably naked, embarrassed, and inconvenienced. What I do like depends on the mood. Sometimes I like a literally mindless pred like a snake, frog, or worm, that overpowers a sentient adult and eats them out of pure instinct. And I love seeing a silhouette in a snake or a bump in whatever other creature, particularly moving downward. Other times I like vore where the pred knows what she is doing. Playing with/teasing the person is nice, but indifference can be fun. Mouthplay is great as well- my favorite thing about Bella is that she'll mouthplay then swallow multiple times. Insertion is something else I quite like. I love the bump in the throat as people get swallowed as well. There's a power dynamic that I like, which I can't really describe. A woman choosing what to do with a person is very sexy to me. Being fed to another pred is a favorite scenario as well. There's an intimacy aspect to vore for me. I'm not huge on multi-prey vore, though in some circumstances I dig it (multi-arm predators, for instance). I think with that, I mostly want (myself or the prey) to be in her mouth alone, and go through her system alone. I like the idea of being teased with it. I also like pies and slime, though. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I've noticed visual similarities between a good sliming and a person traveling lower into a snake, for instance, and I love vore that has lots of saliva. I also love the idea of being dipped in a topping of some kind before being eaten, or maybe dipped and licked clean repeatedly and never knowing when she'll decide to swallow me (at which point I'd fall into a stomach full of the topping). Slurping and licking sounds are great as well.


For me, the appeal ties into another part of the fetish for me: the contrast of the giantess being kind and sweet to one or more tiny people, even being friendly in general, but fully enjoying "bad" people. This is part of the reason I like Temi a lot. She's safe to be around, friendly, and may even tell her more voracious friends you are off the menu, but "bad" people, those who push their luck too far, get eaten. There is also the scenario of: a sexy woman has a boyfriend/husband/special person she loves and cares for but her day job is destroying cities in perverted ways. Kind of like that Ochiko story of the part time civilization destroyer. Bonus points if the tiny person is ignorant of what she really does for her job and the giantess wants to keep their tiny companion insulated from her less than friendly pleasures and hobbies. Other aspects I enjoy are playful/teasing like Menaly, simply enjoying herself a lot/perverted like Vivian, the fact that the taste of humans and the feeling of swallowing them is arousing, asset enhancement like eating tiny people makes the giantess round out in all the right places. Implications are hot as well, like a giantess patting her belly and saying she already ate at the tiny people city or passing by a giantess going to lunch carrying a container of tiny people. Tiny person sitting on a giantess's belly and wondering how many people have disappeared into there, that sort of thing.


I have two ways I like vore Firstly in a none sexual way, the idea of being in a stomach is oddly comforting because it seems like a weird form of protection from the outside (which is ironic as a stomach is not a safe place). This was more of my first impression and look into vore but still probably one of the biggest aspects I like. It is an intimate form of protection between two people. Secondly in the sexual way, I like the power dynamic of being helpless and at the mercy of others, I've also come to really enjoy the teasing and almost playful way some prey are treated by the pred (mainly by Melany, Chalyss, and Liri) Yet again though, I still very much enjoy the intimacy in single prey, but I have started to come around to mass vore.


I get you on the anticipation part but at some point the foreplay has to come to an end and we have to get to the end. I also love that you are getting into more of the digestion side. It was always the contrast that I loved between primal fear and casual snacking. I really loved the picture you did of the woman hiding form the harpy. But I adore the aloof preds, that's why Bella is my favorite. The POV sequence of her is S tear only missing the anticipation of being tossed in her mouth and the resolution of being digested like a blade of grass. also Liri thoughts I LOVE THAT


It's also the anticipation for me. I love pre-vore shots where the prey stares into the gaping mouth of the predator, knowing where their next destination will soon be. The process of getting swallowed is also pretty nice


For me, Cursed Relic is the best manga you have done. Elorie is a very endearing and cute character. She is a clumsy predator who does not assume herself. She tries to do well but her size and her nature make her very dangerous for the tinies. You could imagine short stories putting in scene these clumsinesses, there are so many opportunities and that would change of what one plays elsewhere on the net in this register.


Karbo slowly working his way to post-vore. We're halfway there bros, just 10 more years.

Hugh Mungus

Digestion is easily my favorite part! The digestion sequence you made with the "I ate her!" harpy a while back is incredible. I love how it happens autonomously. Once something is in there, it's not coming back out (at least the way it went in). That's actually the fundamentals of why I'm into vore in the first place; I find digestion itself erotic. It doesn't have to be a living creature in there... it could be anything. As long as their body can break it down. Involuntary vore is also really great and pretty rare. The fact a girl could eat & digest somebody *against her own will* is just the best. Her body will do its job regardless of whether she wants it to or not. There's some weird backwards power dynamic there that I really like. Stomach noises, burping, farting, (and even pooping...) are all evidence of digestion so I enjoy all of them. You're really good at 'drawing' stomach noises!

Rem Buchard

I think it is largely about comfort and satisfaction for me. I’m in the odd boat of having had a burping fetish since before I knew what that meant, and it’s taken a long time for me to figure out why. The answer ended up being weirdly wholesome; burping generally only happens when two conditions are met. When someone is comfortable enough to be uncouth, and when they are full, and generally satisfied with their meal. So in short, I like the mixture of coziness and emotional bareness that it expresses. I’m not exactly a voraphile, though I was very scared of being eaten as a kid, and they say you fetishize your fears, so who knows. Generally I view prey in a detached, dehumanized light, fuel for the girl’s satisfaction. I’m with you on the anticipation, though, despite obviously anticipating something a little different ;p. So, to put it summarily, I love it when your characters are in the pleasureable mid, or after meal state of physical and emotional nakedness, that is relaxing with a full belly, happily burping, hopefully repeatedly. It implies an intimacy, and a great deal of comfort with the viewer being there, like Menyssan in Check and Mate, Black Hole Chan, and the fairies in Fairy Feast, the vore day piece from several years back.


My favorite aspect of vore is actually a combination of things which consists of a giant naked female predator in full or nearly full size (head to tummy) view, a detailed stomach cutaway view on said giant girl and completely naked female preys (humans, elves or nekos) being shown inside that cutaway view. It's something you usually see me insisting on to be in a vore picture whenever given the opportunity to ask for a request since it combines all of the greatness that makes this fetish my absolute number 1 favorite above all other😍 : "1. The predator being shown in her full glory with that sexy/curvy body including her happy and/or satisfied facial expression, 2. The in contrast to the giantess not so happy much smaller prey with her desperate struggles to get out of her wet prison which is also shown on said full or nearly full body view of the predator as a stomach cutaway view, 3. The fact that both the giantess and her food are completely naked, hot/sexy women."😏🤤 Stuff like throat bulges (see "Subby's snack"), uvula play (see "Gulpgame 1"), stomach sounds and captured preys the predator holds in her hands so they can witness the fate of their comrades are just cherry on the top to further add to the intensity which makes a vore picture like that highly enjoyable for me on a long lasting basis 🥰 .


Aspects of vore I like hmmm...there is quite a lot really XD. Though I suppose things that really get me the most are having the prey really either be emphasized as a 'treat' to them or amusingly enough the complete inverse of just being 'food' of sorts- something the pred really is happy/excited to have, or also having worked really hard to get as a prize in the first case heh. It just helps show how much the pred really *wants* you in those regards I feel, making her all that much more satisfied when she gets her nom. A lot of anticipation can play into this too with them seeing how eager they are (salivating mouth etc) too in this heh. Extra points in this front if the pred is just super content afterwards, laying back and basking in it! On the other end of just being food it kind of adds that bit to the giantess just going about her day. Like it just has an interesting feeling to it and perhaps a bit more of a 'real' factor too I think, in that someone that size really isn't going to fill her up, so she needs to go hunt more...so while she is going to eat you, you know you are probably not going to be alone XD. I guess it plays a bit on her hunger of sorts in that- she wants you for a snack again, but more for exactly that and she won't hesitate to eat as many as she needs to feel full heh. In terms of preds...well, I think I'm pretty open to a lot of different ones XD. Though favorites...well, perhaps it's from use over time, but my two goofs really do hit a lot of my tastes now as you can imagine in regards to things XD. Ciel kind of sees them as rare treats (to the point she even sometimes has a bit of guilt over it even!) but still also treats it as just kind of 'food' of sorts too heh. Still though...happy preds like Crisis I just adore...though somewhat more naughty/evil (/Zycra)/ or even domineering preds do have an appeal to me too from time to time heh. Them playing games certainly adds a good bit to the vorish stuff going on! While I mostly spectate, I would put myself more towards the prey side of the spectrum, enjoying imagining what it would be like in the situations of the prey a lot. Imagining the feeling of softness and squishiness of a tongue, all the saliva, heat...there is a lot of things to imagine in those scenarios. I suppose my tastes have broadened some over time too, as mostly was Oral Vore entirely, but insertion of sorts has greatly increased in interests to me in large imagining in scenarios of sorts similar to the mentioned feelings. A lot of overlap in those feelings, in regards to sensations felt there, but also a bit more of the sexual satisfaction to a pred of sorts in those I suppose heh. Really, there is a ton of things...but this is just a bit of it XD. Been around long enough that a lot of has become quite appealing hehe!


For me, anticipation is good. The predator holding me above her as she licks her lips happily, slowly opening her mouth as a welcoming gesture into her stomach. Suddenly dropping me onto her tongue then swishing around in her mouth until getting inched to the back of her throat gazing at the dark squishy tunnel below. The gulp as the prey inches down, bulging slightly out her throat then disappears as I go down then flopping as I enter her stomach. Looking around panicked realizing that even though I’m the only one there, I’m not alone as she’s eaten other food and saved me for last. Her rubbing her belly satisfied and let’s out a nice burp. That’s my personal ideal vore.


I think it’s changed for me over the years as well. I like indifferent, unaware, teasing, and aggressive now. Playful and similar things just don’t interest me anymore. When I say indifferent, I mean messy and/or dispassionate. This would be where you get eaten as a matter of course, and usually along with actual food, or other things that are alive without any sort of concern, and the pred just goes on about her day. The messiness of going into a mouth with food already there, or a stomach with food already in it adds a lot more realism and punch. Likewise, getting swallowed by someone, only to have to fight off something else they swallowed, or hear other things knowing the same fate awaits… also adds realism. Unaware… that one is just hilarious, and also quite realistic depending on the nature of the pred and they prey. Teasing, is 100% in a sexual way. This is one where the pred puts ALOT of sexual innuendo to what she’s doing. Every move she makes is sultry, the look in her eyes is right on that thin line between carnal lust, and primal hunger. Like, she almost NEEDS to eat you as much as she WANTS to. There will be a cat and mouse aspect to this, as well as a bit of her having her way with you, however that manifests itself, before you go down her gullet. You’ll feel very wanted in the end. Aggressive, is very similar to teasing, but incorporates more indifference rather than innuendo. The pred is going to chase you, and she’s going to let you do everything you can to try and escape. She will make sure to show you how useless every attempt is in spectacular fashion, and before you go down her gullet, you will know that she was completely dominant and that you never had a chance. You’ll have that deer in headlights moment, and then she’ll swallow you. She’ll crush every bit of hope you have, so in the end, you’ll be damn near a sheep - and you’ll know, she’s a superior being.


I’m awfully specific when it comes to my taste in vore as the domination aspect of it holds a very narrow appeal, which I understand is strange aming vore enthusiasts. Enough of it comes down to size relation. Giantesses stepping on entire cities doesn’t interest me at all. Scat is a blacklist as is hard vore. I’m not shy about gore, it’s just not what I’m in the fetish for. Same size vore is also very selectively interesting. The same goes for monster vore; the ever abundant constrictor snake pictures out there are tiresome. I think that “the small harpy” territory is about my favorite and your longer, sequential vore scenarios are some of my favorites. I describe my tastes as ‘visceral’ here and there and I think that the physical struggle is what I like and in that way I suppose the aspect of being “meaningless” in the eyes of one's predator is wasted on me. Digestion is a matter of course and scenarios where the prey does NOT die are interesting in their own regard. In that vein, sexual scenarios like unbirth, mouthplay, breastplay and, yet a rarer bird, handplay can go either way for me; the startled, struggling aspect of such a situation has its fun, but who doesn’t like a sweet giantess now and again?


Wow, so many long comments talking about it... maybe I could give it a try xD Oh well, if I had to think about it, for me I gotta admit it's the whole "endo" aspect that makes it for me. The idea that, for one reason or another, a giant being that, could potentially see you as another person , has decided that you belong inside of them ... be it by eating you, or by .... the more "unorthodox" ways if you have seen what Ive done lately. xD. My view has clearly evolved over time as most people mention, the begining of it being deeply influenced by yours of course ;P Until I've found slowly more situations I was interested in as well (from oral vore, to insertion, AV, full tours, and who knows if I end up exploring other possibilities at this point xP). The fatal or non fatal aspect are completely situational to me, and are not totally a necesity, but I cant deny that in some scenarios I do like the sense of danger regular vore brings. It also helps not having to worry about what happens afterwards, so I guess it is kinda pratical. =P If I was to take how I roll Zycra most of the time, I will add that I do like how "casual and fun" it is, rather than the "scary" aspect it would actually have most of the time as well. The idea that, the giant demoness fully knows what she is doing, but still decides to treat it like it's completely normal, and will just play with your regardless of what you have to say. She could eat you while she plays a game, she could be naughty while she simply teases you, and ... well, if you are lucky, maaaaaybe she will let you go after having quiiiiite a weird and "scary" experience to tell the tale, with her not thinking to much about it xD. As for a position, I would probably swing between spectator and prey I supose. The concept of doing the act doesnt really do much for me ... but watching it happen is ... just fine ^^ TL-DR: I like the funny casual aspect of it and I like vore in many shapes and forms.


I think of vore/giantess as BDSM with a Lovecraftian touch. I.e. its about the feeling of helplessness and submission, but with the twitch of being at the absolute mercy of a giantess/being that you have no possibility of fighting back against. I also very much love the concept of 2 or more predators/doms "talking over the heads" of the prey/subs, not addressing them directly - heightening the sense of the preys low status.

Mark Nora

One of the best parts of Karbo’s vore is the permanence of it all, which is one of the biggest things for me. The fact that digestion will take place and does take place and the prey is gone forever. That also ties into the large breast’s of the preds, the fact that they are healthy and well fed. You are what you eat after all and I find that so sexy with all the preds. I love all parts of vore, but mostly digestion. The second half of Meralimexia comic is wonderful, also the little harpy. More than the images themselves though is the thought that someone sentient eats someone sentient. Something about the pred disregarding what they are putting the prey through and swallowing them anyway, and then the prey realizing that they don’t have a chance… it gives me chills. The Rita comic is wonderful. Karbo is wonderful. I love it all so much


My favourites parts on vore are uvula play and undigested food in stomach: a unaware scenario with a cute girl is perfect. Tinies grabbing the uvula, the giantess touching it with cute nail polish and whole amounts of food on stomach ( as you did in monthly sketches, schoolgirls withs ramen inside stomach. Also i love liquid and deep burps, when the prey is digesting and turning on a mush of food. But as I said, the uvula is the maximum expression of a vore scenario, that dangly thing is the sexiest part of a woman, isn't it? Also realistic mouth. Imagine you are inside your crush's mouth: you would find rests of foods, tooth decay, maybe a molar filling... Also a strong breath and corrosive saliva. Thats my kink!


I hope you read this Karbo but my preference is F/M. Primarily because as a dude I want to imagine that's me in the action, I find men who are into F/F must be into lesbian porn too. Just my opinion. I also can't explain why but I do like willing prey. I suppose because people who are into vore are also accustom or at least understand getting off to humiliation. Vore is supposed to be humiliation IMO so for me willing prey does it best, and is consensual which some people appreciate I'm sure, some I imagine don't give a fuck. I'm not big on digestion but I don't mind it, if there's digestion I like to see the full scale picture of the giantess included with an x-ray shot because for me the biggest kink of giantess vore is that the giantess is enormous, compared to its prey. I appreciate your work Karbo, you produce clean work, a lot of this content in this fetish can be very digusting. And I mean extremely disgusting. There is nothing that Karbo has produced that I have been grossed out by, it's all been very hot and well done. Also last note, gotta have a maw shot with prey dangling, those are the best.


I just love the view of maws and throats and deep inside I guess it’s a pov thing

Señor Sanchez

I really don't know what to write here, so I guess I will go off rambling (and kinda unedited) since I didn't think any of this through. History, I know for damn sure HBO's Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman remake is damn sure where I got my giantess fetish. Vore, I really don't know I'm sure cartoons as a kid probably introduced me into it, but giant sexy ladies really got me into it. Augmented by the various stories around on the internet in the very early 2000s. Zombie Slave/Lamarun really fanned the flames when I was out and about looking for giantess stories. I first came across Karbo's work when he did several fan illustrations for Friends No More and The Clone. I love your work, but a style you could also have channeled was lost and forgotten when you went full anime style for Felarya. It would be nice to see you take a risk and step outside of your comfort zone and try to bring back that black and white western comic edge once in a while to change things up and see what happens. Getting back to my history, Felarya has been my goto for situations and mawshots that rock. In the early days of DeviantArt, there really wasn't much out there and you stood out. Vaderaz came a bit later and really cemented the quirky side of things. I prowled the internet for stories and pictures, I came across the one that would be my favorite predator when someone uploaded pictures from The All New Atom #4. Vore itself, I don't know how to describe it, I like any situations out there, from fun to serious to horror. I find the female mouth sexy and sexual. I don't know why, maybe it's taboo across media, since it doesn't appear much. I love seeing a female's uvula and the back of her throat. The vore, like I said, I love playful to ultra realistic. I like the fact that I'm intrigued by curious exploration to domination to total horror. I enjoy everything from caring "safe" vore, where the predator cares and worries about the prey and regurgiates them after some time and doesn't let the prey die. To an angry, mean, spiteful giantess that would love to digest the prey for satisfaction. To even comedy both for fun and games to suprisingly fatal. I'm really not into scat, but I'm getting open to some "slightly dirty" non-realistic full tour stuff. I probably could say a lot more and well organized, but it's late, I'm tired and I'm going to put this out without any editing. Thank you to all the content creators that are keeping it sexy.


This is such a fascinating topic! I've really enjoyed looking over other people's replies. I guess I'll go ahead and add mine too. I'm very drawn to the power dynamic between the pred & prey, and the emphasis on just how overwhelming the predator is in contrast. When the predator is a sweet, innocent (but hungry) monster-girl, without malicious intent despite her voracious actions, it works for me especially well. I also like the 'anticipation' angle you mentioned, especially when the predator ends up inadvertently 'teasing' their prey, just by enjoying themselves - that way I get that teasing anticipation, while the predator is just innocently enjoying herself. This can be especially effective when one prey watches others getting eaten, or hears the pred's stomach working on those already inside etc. I also have a large love for yuri-type content, even completely outside of vore, which I think may fuel and/or explain a lot of my love for F/F vore content in particular. This might also tie into my love of the more naughty predators, as well as the idea two, romantically involved giantesses eating up prey together. X3 The contrast between the experience of the predator and prey is also something I find important. Perhaps that's why I love cutaway/internal stuff so much, since you can really emphasize the predator swallowing in satisfaction vs the prey going down their throat, or the pred blissfully relaxing whilst the prey wiggle in their belly. I've also come to like large-scale, mass-vore situations a lot in the past years, for reasons I'm not quite sure of. Maybe just trying to 'top myself' in terms of voracious excess? xD


I also really like the idea of having one or more prey watch as another is swallowed by the pred. I think in these situations, the positioning of the pred/prey can make a big difference. The pred positioned above the prey on all fours with a belly slightly bulging with other preys is an amazing way to build that anticipation.


For me it's the anticipation and the digestion. I love it when the prey hears an anticipatory growl from the pred's stomach and realizes that's where they're doing to be soon. Even better is when they hear active digestion, like that scene in Hard Choices where the dude tries to tiptoe across Tina's belly and hears all the commotion inside. Really epic stuff, and then after she eats him you hear the splash, the scream, and a loud happy gurgle from the stomach as it goes to work on the new arrival. The naivete of preds in Felarya is also something that intrigues me, where they're aware to some extent that they're digesting sapient beings alive, but they don't care. The ending of Naughty Trio comes to mind, where Melany isn't really hungry but wants to have something in her belly for the night. Also? Tongues. I know a lot of vore focuses on the throat, but there's something about a pred sticking her tongue out or pushing prey into her throat to swallow them that's appealing to me.


Hehe indeed it has sparked a really interesting and rich discussion :D And I agree, the contrast between cute and innocent preds and their act of swallowing alive people is one of the big component I like in vore ;D


Oh yeah you describe an aspect I really like here, with the anticipation of the prey of being digested ^^


Ohh i see you have been around for long :D Indeed, me too Zombie slaves's story are among the early creations I discovered at the time and that really caught my interest ^^


haha indeed the uvula is a fascinating part of the mouth to me too XP


oh yes ! I too find breasts an important part in vore :D it's very implicit but they just say : all the tinies that girl swallowed and digested went there and contributed to them X3


One other thing: I really like how Karbo draws facial expressions, and especially eyes. Karbo make them look kind and playful, where many other GTS artists creations just look nonhuman and creepy with psychopathic eyes... Or maybe it is just super hard to draw kind eyes. :)


Well, personally what turns me on the most is having a cruel giantess mercilessly swallowing me alive while teasing me with all the horrible things that her body is going to do to me, including the inevitable "release" from her backdoor. Fatal soft vore has become my favourite, but it wasn't always the case. In the beginning, I fancied anal vore more, but in the last few years it lost much appeal to me in favour of good old oral vore. And of course the prey must die. I don't really have a preference between F/f and F/m, but in the second case I usually try to put myself in the prey's shoes... and it's glorious hahaha! I'm also a fan of tail vore and I still like anal vore quite a lot too (I loved those Chalyss' panels and I hope you will do more in the future!). Also, I can't get excited for same size vore, so it's always macro/micro with me. But yeah... I love the giantess being cruel and getting glimpses of her anus... it kinda makes me think about my not so glorious fate after I get swallowed and, since I'm a very twisted person, that thought gets me extremely excited hahahaha


I'm really not into vore, but from what the vore has... domination & tongues. Being eaten & digested is just too quick & not hot to me, but, & I don't know why, seeing a woman lusciously licking their lips or their lover or prey really excites me. My favorite work of Karbo's & introduction was the Naga's feeding habit, just how Crisis slowly slurping Anna up moaning how yummy she was attractive to me, but the one that really hit home for me was the introduction of Vivian in the second Felarya tome, with just how she licked her guest... I honestly wanted to see more of the licking action. So really I'm more of a lick lover than a vore fan.


I see, I can certainly see the appeal in that as well XD


Chubby giantess encountering a bunch of tinies around, about 5 or 7, she plays with them and devours them 1 by 1 tasting them very carefully and enjoying each one of them, when she finishes she starts eating normal food, to bury those tinies inside and make them last for digestion once she is stuffed, with tinies and food inside her belly struggling against the food and her powerful stomach movements; she goes to bed to enjoy a good digestion nap, her stomach is very noisy and busy during this nap, she wakes up with her belly still a little bloated, but inside there´s nothing more than a mix of pudge.


the vore close to the reality most can makes me excited.Therefore,i think shrink sb down by science is the best idea.,based on it can we add more story to it.However,something dont be close to reality,such as giantess,fairy,elf and so on.It is just my personal hobby.IN BRIFE,the picture should be close to reality,and the shrink sb down is better than a giantess.Please forgive me if there are grammatical errors。


As for me, I like romantic and willing vore. And when pred has long tongue. This is dream for me


In terms of elements to a piece of work I tend to agree with all the things you mentioned, which is why I took such a liking to your art in the first place. However when it comes to the subject of a piece: if I’m honest I’ve always looked at the pictures imagining myself as the prey. POV or not I will always try to imagine the scene with me as the prey. Something a bit different tho that I’ve always thought about is being an immortal in that kind of world. Going through the entire system and coming out the other side still alive just to go through it all again or be a toy to be used. That would probably be my ideal scenario if I had to choose^^ willing vore through romance is also very wonderful to see

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

How did I miss this discussion! Late addition but my turn. To me, the best form of vore is the fight for your life. The thrill and scare of the chase. Of being hunted. Imagine running through the jungles being chased by crisis, you're barely able to leap and bound through the thicket to stay ahead of her. The booming sound if the trees and shrubs being thrashed about behind you. You see a narrow opening in some roots that you can hide in a feel you can give her the slip, so you jump and slide in between them. You lay there pressed against the bark hoping to here the behemoth slither past you. But thats just it, you dont here anything. You hold your breathe, noticing that not even the jungle is stirring. You can hear your heart beating fast, your senses heightened but your body is stiff with fear. Frozen almost. You wonder if she had past and you didn't notice or maybe she stopped just waiting for you to come out. Your anxiety is almost too mutch to bear, sweat running down your face. Then when you're about to make a step forward. The root next to you is ripped out and youre left cowering against what little shelter remains. Dread fills your spirit as the giant Naga towering over you, insuring your doom. Prinney-dude-abidos did a great interpretation that made me reread it multiple times. Where the sphinx Kemsiyet left laura after their battle if wit. Laura was sitting there completely vulnerable and dazed by the shear dread and anxiety if being seconds away from a terrible death. Then the Naga shows up and she goes in immediate fight or flight mode and panics exactly how she should. It was a fun and invigorating read and had my heart racing. Digestion still a bit of grey area. Don't mind to see inside belly but seeing intestines and remains unnerved me. But i still appreciate the work. Kinda like the idea of once you're in there we already know you're fate, show me a lil panic then cut a few hrs later and give a cute lil urp. Just my interpretation for the genre.