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Yup It's going to be my picture for vore day :D    This time I had to do something with Arale since some person I know did some mean things about her, implying she was a forgotten character   >>

Well  now it's her time to shine ! Arale is Menyssan's cousin and as you can see, there's some trait that run in the family X3 But as she's a politician of sort, Arale won't easily admit to her indulgences ! Somehow I suspect her cousin is not fooled though XP




Yay first to like and comment :D also I love the comic


She returns from her beauty sleep.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

The ones coming along with her will be the souls not going to heaven, right?


Now now Arale, you may be eating a bit too much there! Silly demon! Hehe, nice to see Arale again eh? xD But hmmm, who could possibly be mocking her, what an evil and rude person >:O


O this is super exciting especially too see character who hasn't hade a spot light on them for a good long while.


Tu sais pour la dernière case tu peux faire que le sorte de ceinture de perle se casse ou qu' Arale lâche un puissant rot ou qu'elle tient le livre à l'envers ou en encore elle garde les survivants dans dans bâtonnets de crème glacée qu'elle garde en réserve pour plus tard


Can you imagine, someone poking fun at poor Arale? Completely unheard of.


Very good, very good. Nice bit o gluttony from a succ and seeing her try to keep herself looking dignified is amusing.


I know right ! They would have to be a very petty person, probably under some very bad influence !


Ohh la chaîne qui se casse est une très bonne idée :D Et j'aime bien le livre à l'envers haha.


A reluctant predator giving in to her instincts and going all out for once. I loooooove this contrast 😍 . Guess a certain pretty fairy will soon follow suit huh 😏 ?


Such a silly silly succubus- seems to be a common thing among succubi to be completely silly!


yes I was wearing a goofy grin while drawing that last panel XP


I love the belt design around her waist. Its a very touch with a full stomach digesting!


Can't wait for the finished picture! Looks great!


Agree, can’t wait for the finished picture.


dont forget her wings on frame 16 :)


Oh wow, Arale sure isn't holding back! x3 I love a good rampage, and nothing could be more fitting for Vore-Day!


Personally would love to see her licking her meal, but this is still really good.


Huh; didn't know she had such a big appetite XD. the fan-wiki says she's not very voracious, though - is that just how she presents herself, or do other succubi eat like this more often than her? (i mean, as Arale ate just now, i'd imagine she'd still be considered a "small eater" compared to succubi who gorge every day like Meny does).

David Dent

Fan-Wiki? Do you refer to the Fandom Wiki? If so that's a backup drive more than a true wiki. The older gets updated first though I will admit Arale's decription hasn't changed too much on either. This is a new thing for her I think.