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You've been caught by Anna ! Looking at the smoke you might have messed with her stuff. The giant naga glares furiously at you, her yellow intimidating eyes seemingly piercing your soul. She seems to hesitate for a couple seconds... then her large mouth slowly open in front of you, with unmistakable purpose..

Yup It's Anna's turn ! The next one will be Crisis ;D 




So, besides the obvious art - your descriptions, or brief tone setters for these is always really good. Adds a 4th dimension to the picture of you will.


I love Anna vore, the idea of being swallowed purely as a way of getting rid of somebody and not just as food just hits differently


More Anna content!


I always enjoy seeing Anna content.


OMG ANNA I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT THANK YOU ! amazing i have new wallpaper to my phone. Anna is my favorite of your work and always glad/happy to see her


Anna being slightly reluctant to eat humans on the regular make's it all the more intimidating when she does.

Meddwynn Ravencroft

Ooh, I've wanted to see a POV like this of Anna for a LONG time! Think you'll ever do one from inside looking out? ^.^;


Absolutely wonderful!! Anna's got such an amazing story and personality as a character. It makes her the perfect pred. I love seeing more content with her, very well done!!


YES!!! ANNA VORE!!! Absolutely stunning picture too!


"The giant naga glares furiously at you, her yellow intimidating eyes seemingly piercing your soul" wish that was part of this picture, honestly all of your best mawshots have they eyes of the pred and feel different to one another. Without the added context this is just another pair of lips, and teeth. Not saying it is terrible but it does not hold a candle to the one you did for Bella and I feel like like Anna deserved better.

Classical Salamander

Oh man... you let the magic smoke out, Anna eats you! :o


Hah, good good. Always enjoy stuff with Anna, shes a fun character and seeing her pushed to do something she normally doesn't care for can be an interesting situation to play with.


could you draw a more zoomed out version of this? like the caylin one. I'd like to see angry Anna.


I love Anna vore,because its so rare~