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The flat coloring in progress of the picture ^^ 

It's not easy to negociate with a Felaryan fairy, but even less when you're doing it from inside her stomach  X3

I admit I have taken a liking to Liri lately and that voracious naiveness of her. With her giving "tour" of herself to little humans she found or debating with her prey like that XD




This is really good especially the last part like you said the voracious aspect of her is cute


This is super adorable sequence =3


Oh goodness the voracious cuteness combination makes it horrifying yet satisfying. I love it =w=


I love the conclusion just how she tells all ready digested meal that she was her food after all it is so adorable funny and sexy. its also good thing to offer sweets to some one Who all ready ate you so she has them too now yhm just saying


I so wish we could see the inside of that pretty fairy as a huge stomach cutaway view fan 😭 (alternate version maybe 🤔 ) . Anyway Liri has grown to be one of my favorite characters of yours by now 😍 not only due to her great design but also because of the way she goes "fairy logic" at full force with her prey: "Your tiny and yummy so you belong in my tummy" 😁 . Definitely a character along with the likes of Subeta, Melany, Menyssan, Crisis, Vivian and Lucilya that I'd like to return more often 😉 .


Ooooh, this is so good! I love when preds like her tease their food and tell them they are... Well, food. It's kind of cute.




I like that she didn't even shrink the scientist herself, she just happened to take advantage of it.


Nice scenario idea! the faries are so playful


Fairies are always one the more dangerous preds to run into I've felt. Especially to science...


Bon, négocier ne marche pas... Mais qu'en est-il de la psychologie inversée ? 🤔


yuuup XD but I imagine they can be forgiven for some lapse in logic in that situation :P

Classical Salamander

I'm pretty sure there *was* some SCIENCE! going on... digestive sciences. Enzymes, stomach acid, aliquoting bolots, that sort of thing.


Glad you like her ! :) For this one I'm not sure I'm going to make a stomach view as I find it works better if Liri just seem to talk to her tummy :3 However ! I plan to do another one with Liri ( It's an idea that is kind of stuck in my head ) and this one will definitely have some stomach cutaways as it's one of the point of the picture:D