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The finished picture :3

and its updated depthy to go along with it : http://depthy.me/#/ip/2jJsxa0   ( they are going to be automatic from now on I think X3 )

Also I'm done with the project I mentioned in my latest post.  I can now resume a normal rythm ;) 

The joint piece is the depth map I used to depthy the picture, in case you are interested to try it on some pieces yourself :3 Like you can see it's very simple and basic !



Meddwynn Ravencroft

SO many maws to keep track of; which one is Milly, again? Still, it's a beautiful view!


Nice work on the finished piece. And that Depthy thing still looks like magic to me. The wonders of technology. xD Glad to hear you're getting back to normal again, too. Being overworked is never fun.


Thank you ;P And depthy... it's honestly a golden gift for vore in general i think XP For characters it doesn't work that well but for more static images like mawshots it's just perfect !