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The picture nearly finished :) I have yet to put more details, refine the shading, add in some effects, tweak a bit with the color palette and it will good to go :3




... T'es un génie x3


Is this a future manga event?


Hmm added saliva on perfect looking mouth *HELL YEEEEEES* , change of nose *GODLY* . Missing blush effect (is this the right term ? ) underneath her eyes needs to be re-added though as it removes a lot of Subby's cuteness factor. The man she caught in her hand who was staring at her breasts also was a NIIIIICE addition (why remove that ? ) . Moreover not really feeling the eyes just yet ^^' . They look a little too big to me in relation to her whole face (was perfect in the last WIP ) . To be honest that overall chubby look on her face in the previous version speaks to me more (and only needed a change of the nose at most in my opinion) than the wider (vertically) look or whatever it is now . Sorry but when comparing the NYF with the last WIP something about Subeta's overall face (not talking about the mouth, nose, anatomy, kneeling pose, perspective, most preys and all the other GREAT looking details in the picture) definitely does not feel right to me when I switch between the two versions :( . EDIT : Aghh man I really hate being a grinch ^^' but I actually like Anna's more serious/angry look in the last WIP a lot more than the desperate one here too. EDIT 2 : Maybe the needed facial change isn't as big as I thought and just shrinking down the eyes, hair a little will do the trick of removing that strange stretchy "!No harm meant!" (couldn't think of a non-offensive word that gives you a better picture of the catalyst for my main criticism) Frankensubby (relating to Frankenstein) look. What do you think ?


Alright I'm going to make some corrections concerning the issues you raise ^^ But I have a bit of a problem when it comes to Subby's face.. I mean I do agree there are modifications to make and I'll definitely do that but on the other hand I don't really agree that the WIP version was the one to go with : / ( I have issues with her head shape in this one and how her mouth is positioned to much to the left for example ) But regardless I'm going to continue working on it and make sure it's good in the end ^^


Actually it's a scene that happened "off camera". At a point Subeta greets Crisis and Lea and inform them she dealt with a band of attackers who gated in to attack Anna. And that's how she did it X3


Ohhh nice! This one is shaping up beautifully! Subby is always pretty damn cute, but as I said before, I think she's taking it to the next level here! :3 And for once, I think Anna hasn't even noticed someone standing on her work bench there. xD

