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If you have a particular preference on whose mouth you'd like to see, please go for it ;D ( and same if you have more ideas on how to make the picture particular as it's one of the challenge of that serie ^^ )

Also I have advanced on the Patreon comic. You can expect an update pretty soon ;)


Meddwynn Ravencroft

You've done so many so far. Melany, perhaps? Or that harpy from the comics whose name I can't recall. ^.^;


Can't remember if she was one of characters or not, but I'd love to see Garnet the Naga. If she isn't one of your OC, then Melany.


Milly the polite giantess.


I'd loved to see a mawshot of Subeta. I don't think you've ever done one of her.


Bellita! I'd appreciate seeing her vacuum mouth as well. As for a continuation of this concept, going from mouth to stomach sounds like a logical step forward.


I say.... Chelsa, Malika, Natalie, or Relina. Chelsa because of the "alien nature" of her mouth, Natalie and relina because it gives you a chance to work with skin tones opposite sides of the spectrum [ from pale white to nice dark tan/brownish] -and Malika for similiar reasons to chelsa - because her tongue has snakish properties alongside her fangs, and the windpipe under her tongue. if she were setting up for a same size meal, that'd be highly visable - like with any snake. I also agree on milly and subetta.


Caylin ou Tina ou peut être Temi elle serait une bonne surprise

Minamoto Terumi

I like interesting mouths, with unusual colors... have you done one of Vivian lately? Or maybe Iridan. Oh, what about that pirate mermaid girl you drew once?


I'd go with Anna, we don't have enough maw shots of her.


Ohh Becky.. you are right that could be interesting ! As for Vivian she is definitely going to be in XD


Nice suggestion :) You know I feel a bit bad for Malika because up until now I overlooked how her tongue is ^^, ( like when she appears in the manga for example ) . So I agree this could be a great idea ^^