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Thank you a TON for your numerous messages of support, it truly means a lot in those times.

Life continues. What each of us can do at an individual level is to continue to live normally , enjoy life as usual and show those barbarians we won't be deterred by their murderous acts.

And so I'm going to resume drawing as normal. We'll start by a new version of the Patreon comic. It's more cleaned up, some panels have been redone and the ending is here. Most of you voted Melany for the one who should eat the last prey so here goes ! ^^

As usual, please don't hesitate if you have any remarks or suggestions :)



Thank you dude ;) And glad you like the preview so far ! If I manage to draw the comic just as I have it in my head, it's going to be a nice one XP


i love the concept. i suggest that the last pray be a pov shot. just to make everyone feel involved.


Good to hear that you're feeling better :-) . We can not and should never let those monsters take away the joy of life from us. Cause once fear and isolation determine our daily routine that's when they win. Stay strong mate we're all with ya your supporters on Patreon as well as the followers on deviantart along with the rest of the Felarya community ;-) . Anyway I wander from the subject since you mistakenly uploaded the old comic version I think (sorry that came across as a little clumsy lol ^^' ) .


Pretty good so far ;-) . I think it really has something for everyone. Especially the last 4 pages with Melany (stomach inside view on full pred and gulping sequence FTW !!!!!! ^_^ ) are my favorite and don't really need much change (if at all) in my eyes. EDIT: Of course adding some wetness effects/saliva to the welcoming mouths of the three beauties (on pages 2, 7 and 10) can never be wrong ^^ and making the humans in the first panels of pages 1 and 2 a little bigger since despite the size difference they still look a little too small to me when compared to Vivian, Malika and Melany.


1. glad youre feeling good 2. it's amazing - even as a WIP 3. the only thing that crossed my mind was their size difs - since Malika is bigger than Melany and Vivian. You may have accounted for it and im just blind lol


I tried to take that in account but you are right, it's not visible enough. I'll correct that ^^


Glad you like it :) I'm noting your remark, you are right they are too small indeed ^^


Um actually, please re-download it again, I put the wrong file initially ^^;


You have my utmost respect and admiration for your ability to get yourself together so quickly in the wake of that tragedy. I'm still feeling a bit shaken myself, and I wasn't anywhere near where it happened. Glad you're doing better. :) Anyway, having taken a look at the latest WIP . . . I have to say I'm just kinda stunned at the glorious sexiness of it. It really looks pretty damn fantastic even in this early state. I wish I had something clever or incisive to say or suggest, but . . .not really. xD I love the hell out of it though! x3