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Yes I'm back ! at least :D

I'll spare you the details of what happened but it was a BIG mess... It involved a once well respected telecom company that is quickly acquiring a terrible reputation over there for its recent dubious practices. Lately they tried to pull a tricky deal with false advertising onto a lot of its customers and it was part of my troubles that culminated with my internet and telephone line being simply cut altogether.

Fortunately it's over now. I'm no longer with that operator. I even heard they are being sued right now by one of their main competitor for «disloyal concurrence». that can give you an idea…

Thank you for being patient :) I was really surprised and delighted to see the new milestones being reached ^_^

But in this case, it's turning out to be… a little artificial ^^;

I know it's going to put a damper on things but since the end of summer it appears there has been a couple of fake accounts created just in order to "push" toward the milestones which is not cool : /

I mean I completely understand when someone pledge a support and at some points don't go with it. There can be many reasons for that and It's already super generous of you guys to support me in the first place ;) So no problem here !

but in this particular case... it's a bit trickier.. it's a serie of accounts that have some distinct traits in common: they pledge for no artists other than me, their pledges are typically very large, they are being silent when I try to contact them and .. well they don't actually support anything ^^; They are like dummies accounts and it has been concerning me for some times because it inflates artificially the numbers…

so as much as I hate doing that I'm going to delete them so it will be kind of a step down. We are not as close as that next milestone but I have no doubts we're going to reach it and for real this time :) It will be a bit slower but also a lot more healthier ^^

Plus.. well I have still the first comic to do XD

And speaking of that I have advanced on it too and will soon show you a new version. I think you will like it :)

Than you again a ton for your kind support everyone, it's good to be back ! ;)


Enigmatic Jester

So the donations went down for a week or so but now they're back up around $2200? Are these guys genuine backers or just people trying to push to the next milestone?

Minamoto Terumi

Yeah I did see that you'd reached a milestone, and was pretty surprised... I think whoever did it was really shortsighted, or not very smart. I mean, if you get to the "full time job" milestone then that means you can draw more, because you'll have the money to support it, which you won't have if they don't actually /donate/ said money... Well, it's a weakness of Patreon I guess.


Félicitation pour ce nouveau pallier


I think they should change patreon a bit. Like whenever you pledge, you pay the amount you pledged for straight away. Just to make sure there aren't any false accounts.


Oh yes. Patreon is really a site built for the most part on the good will of contributors. It's quite easy to abuse for a person determined to do so.. But fortunately I think they represent a very small part :)


Un palier qui n'en est pas vraiment un mais merci XP


I'm glad you managed to survive the dangers of an internet-free life for a while, and it's good to see you back in form! And yeaaaah, that's kinda unfortunate with the Patreon abuse thing. Depending on how large a part of someone's livelihood is made up of Patreon pledges, fooling someone into thinking they have a lot more income than is coming, could actually be pretty harmful, depending on the circumstances. :/ Anyway, I'm glad it doesn't seem to have been enough to really mess you up or anything, and the vast majority here are legitimately in it for real. We'll get you the portal to Felarya yet! Though I do worry if you'll be okay over there. xD


Ce genre de truc est commun sur patreon, c'est une façon de troller le site. Et vu que tu es assez populaire c'est des choses à prévoir vu la réputation assez sulfureuse que traine ce site. Je me demande si ça coïncide avec les problèmes actuel du wiki. Comme je le disait précédemment de manière sarcastique "félicitation pour ce nouveau palier."


Ah so that's what happened. Bummer, But as you said I'm sure you'll reach it sooner or later.


It's good to have you back!


Wait a minute. Are those "Generic" Accounts paying or just bumming for Access? Because if they are paying could just be Lurkers. Alot of folks like and support things but not particularly keen on being particularly talkative. Just my opinion but if they're paying I'd just not let their silence bother me and just assume some of the fans are Lurkers.


Ah maybe the word "generic" is badly chosen here ? what I meant is a couple accounts that started to pop at the end of summer and made large pledges but never actually honored them through the months and are irresponsive too. essentially "fake" patrons who are here to push for the milestones ^^;