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The naughty trio idea :D

It's a clear victory too, winning by about 66% of the preferential vote ^^

So that's it ! I'm going to start brain-storming ideas of scenes and how to organize pages and I'll show you a first basic story board ;3

Thank you for your big participation in the vote ! ^__^



Woohoo! Go team Vivian! :D


YEEEEEEEEES Fairy Vore with Melany and some added Yuri plus more Vore with Vivian and Malika. This is going to be so AWESOOOOOME !!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait :-) .


And so the least interesting and fresh idea won, because of Yuri and Breasts, leaving unseen interesting concepts far behind. A real shame^^


That sportsmanship though! Honestly, number 2 has been stabbed at many times over the years - but never drawn. TBH 4 has been stabbed at - in pairs, though going by the wiki this scenario should have happened along time ago - but never drawn. 3 has been done with Elle, sleeping and waking up to discover that she has a stomach with a new quest - as well as similiar scenes with Dryads (written and drawn) . 1 has been shown in a sense - in the 5th tome, though thank goodness it didn't happen. 5 was in the first, or second tome - and if it's just defending her workstation wouldn't have been much different than the scene that did end up being drawn. This really only leaves 2 and 4. Both scenarios have never been drawn, but according to lore and what we know about the setting in general - should have atleast popped up somewhere ya know? I like both 2 and 4, and I'm fairly sure 2 will show up eventually considering how many people love Anna,


This is definitely going to be something we haven't gotten much of :P. It also gives you an excuse to get reallllly creative.


Actually I would like to see number 2 as a short story. I'd rather save the comics to things that will include plenty of vore. But if the purpose is too just build character, a lot of time and effort can be saved by just writing it out.


Somehow I had a feeling this one would be the winner. Despite them apparently being good friend/lovers, we've had very little of Melany & Vivian interacting, which is a prospect I naturally find highly appealing . . . especially with Malika there to 'help'. :3 And somehow it just feels right to have this one match the heart-hand banner. x3


This idea is something I'm definitely considering to do in the future regardless :) I think it has a lot of potential ^^