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Well first let me tell you, it was a difficult choice ^^;

You submitted a LOT of good and really appealing ideas here :)

In the end I decided based on a mix of several things :

Of course on how interesting the base idea is and how I like it personally but also - and it's the tricky part - on how it would look as a comic and if there is enough material to go on several pages, and lastly how the general concept behind it appear to be trending in the thread ^^

So here are five ideas I picked and why :

- 1) Naga prey :

this idea is based on a naga being the prey rather than the predator and slurped-up pretty much spaghetti style ! A sort of role reversal as nagas are most of the time depicted as preds in Felarya. As I see it the predator would be most likely to be either a giant harpy or a giant slug-girl here. If it's a harpy, it could be a member of the flock I drew a little while ago (http://karbo.deviantart.com/art/Harpy-study-540348241 ) with maybe each of them taking a shot at catching the naga. Or If it's a slug-girl, the scene would probably play on the adhesive trail they let behind them, with the naga stuck there ( and maybe seeing other preys getting eaten before her first )

This one would be pretty straightforward as far as vore goes but still interesting I think ^^ Personally the «slurping» scenario is one I like a lot in vore ! The interest here would be to see in detail a type of vore I have not illustrated a lot before. there would also be a big emphasis on the swallowing process, with a ton of views of the gullet and so.

- 2) Anna meet Crisis :

This one would be a follow-up of what happened after Anna gets turned into a naga. The discovery of her new body, her confusion, how she sees the world at her new size. And of course her first meeting with Crisis, trying to be friendly and helpful to a fellow naga who seem so out of her element And Anna's reaction to see the person who tried to eat, now trying to help and reassure her ^^

This one would obviously have very little vore in it, being essentially a scene about a conversation and a presentation. But I think it' a nice and sweet scene in itself that can put more development on those two characters and describing Anna's sensations and complex, confused feeling can be really interesting to do ^^

- 3) The sleeping, unaware predator :

An adventurer is fleeing from various creatures trying to eat them. They tumble from a threat to another, until the moment where they roll down a slope and end up falling into the open mouth of a sleeping giantess lying below !

As I see it, this one would be an alternation of pictures showing the adventurer's frantic efforts to escape from the mouth , their scared thoughts as they do so, trying both to urgently climb back the tongue ( which would be titled pretty vertically ), but also in the same time trying to act carefully as to not slip further down into the waiting gullet below and to avoid being «noticed» by the mouth. All that contrasting with panels showing the giantess peacefully sleeping and unaware of what is going on in her mouth, maybe sighing contentedly in her sleep and eventually blissfully swallowing the adventurer.

Then some inside shots in the stomach and at the end the giantess waking up thinking she had a good dream or something, then surprised to feel her belly gurgling and working on «something» inside ( I don't know why but I'm thinking the pred could be Temi ^^ )

The result would be a rather slow-paced comic, very visual and emphasizing a lot on large panels I think, with a ton of inside views. Personally I really like the idea as unaware vore is something I almost never did before :3

This idea is probably my personal favorite :P

- 4) Naughty Trio :

Melany strolls happily in the jungle, humming while swinging a small bag. Inside of the bag : several adventurers, who probably felt in one of her trap. A little while later, the bag open and as the light floods back in, the dazzled adventurers are treated to the sight of Melany, Vivian and Malika ! A lot of vore ensue, the three happily and playfully feeding each others.

This one would be pretty erotic obviously with a lot of yuri XD ( for example I could imagine a scene with one adventurer managing to exit Vivian's mouth, only to see Melany's head between Vivian's breasts below, waiting with her mouth wide open X3 ) But the interest would also be to play on Vivian's hypnotism which I think can create really unique and interesting scenes ^^

For example with a vision in the eyes of the prey and what they see when they are under Vivian's charm and illusions. And also what happens when that illusion dissipates.

- 5) Defense of Anna :

This one would be a scene not shown in the Felarya manga in the tome 2, when Subeta mentions that Anna has been attacked by men under Lady Lesona's orders and that she luckily was there in time to stop them ( and get a good meal out of it ! ). The attackers were only expecting Anna alone without Subeta and their mission quickly turns into a disaster when the fairy shows up. Subeta cheerfully gobble the panicked assailants left and right.

It would be pretty straightforward as far as vore goes I think, but at some points, Subeta could use her belly warp ( for example to prevent attackers from getting back to the portal from where they came )

At the end I can also imagine Anna chasing the last assailants, gathering them and giving them to Subeta so she can «take care» of them. And then her deciding to eat the last one as Subby protest she is now full ( and since many of you asked for some Anna vore XP )

So here it is !

Please vote for the idea you would like to see the most ;)

EDIT : Please also put the other ideas in the decreasing order you prefer them ( the last being the one you'd least wish to see )

This way we can do a preferential voting system where the '1' votes are tallied up, and the option with the lowest percentage of votes is eliminated. From the

people who voted on the eliminated option, their '2' votes are then

taken and added to the votes of the surviving options, and it continues

until one option has greater than 50% of the total votes.

I'm going to keep the poll open for a while so everyone who want to vote get the chance to do so.

Also I'm going to do the comic in a very open manner. I'll show you the story board, the sketched pages, how I intend to organize them, and I'll listen to your suggestions about it. I really want to make something you guys are going to like a lot ! ;)



Lovely suggestions. Here's a strawpoll for easier results. <a href="http://strawpoll.me/5667158" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://strawpoll.me/5667158</a>


Pick four or go home.


Mhh I have considered using a strawpoll or a similar site but then the result could be easily disformed by the link being spread out of the Patreon and ending up in various boards I think ^^;

Minamoto Terumi

Have you considered instant-runoff/preferential voting for the comic? Basically, each person lists their preferences in numbered order from 1-5. The '1' votes are then tallied up, and the option with the lowest percentage of votes is eliminated. From the people who voted on the eliminated option, their '2' votes are then taken and added to the votes of the surviving options, and it continues until one option has greater than 50% of the total votes. Little complicated, but it means that the option towards the majority feels most strongly overall gets selected. It's more representative than first-past-the-post though.


4! Definitely 4!


I would say 4 cause fairies! And Naga!


Hard decision, but i go with 2. I really want to see Anna dealing with this Situation xD And like Minamoto Terumi i would also prefer several rounds of voting to achieve a absolute majority Edit: 2,3,1 (slug girl),5,4

Minamoto Terumi

I'm actually having a really hard time choosing... can we have all of them pleeaaaaseee? Okay that was never going to work but still. I'm thinking 3 would be my favorite, as it's a fun situation... but 4 looks good too, as does 1 (harpy would be my preference though.). 5 is fun because I like the idea of Anna vore because she's mostly opposed to it (If I understand correctly), especially if it's forced somehow. 2... Is not something I'm interested in at all to be honest. It's an interesting scenario but it's something that can be done in text, and I much prefer your drawings of, er, more entertaining things. I refuse to apologise for being a perv &gt;.&gt;


The scenario n°3, it goes without saying :-)


Number 2 I want to say 5, because I *do* want to see more of Anna being put into the predator role :P 4 being super tempting because... who doesn't want more yuri and lots of vore? But at the same time I think I still have to say 2. Like I've mentioned in the past, I feel like Crisis needs a bit more love and I'd really love to see Anna's beginning fleshed out a bit more because she's such an interesting case. Maybe you can sneak in a tiny bit of vore by having Crisis feed Anna an unsuspecting adventurer while she's flailing in protest?


4! We need more Melany. :)


#3. Tough Choice.


#1! harpy style =p


My vote is for 4~!


Well, lot of tough choices heh, and a lot of fun ideas came out... but I still have to vote for 2 heh, bit vore light but cute still (and amusing just seeing how they react to each other potentially XD).


These are really good. Being that Melany maw shot was the first vore picture I stumbled upon when I started looking for vore I am always glad to see more melany. I'm a huge fan of hers. However, at the moment I'm in more of a story mood. So I think I'd rather choose option 2.


Oh ! that's a really interesting idea here :) I think I will do just that ^^


2, 5, 4, 3, 1


My bad I mean 1 #sluggirl style




WE all know I'm totally biased when I say 4 - but, can you REALLY blame me?


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


hehe yes were are going to do that :3 So can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


We are going with your vote idea ;3 So can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


hehe XD Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


I'm going to make this more complicated though ! XD So can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Definitely not ! XD Can you also please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Hmm..... from most to least.... 2, 5, 4, 3, 1.




2,1,4,5,3 Really love the Anna meeting! Been on my mind alot actually when I see your work.


5,4,3,2,1 would be my order of choice (yes I'm serious ^_^) .


3, 2, 5, 1, 4 I happen to like Anna so she gets a higher place, but honestly these are all very good ideas. I wanna see them all! I'm also honored that you picked the sleeping, unaware predator idea as that was the one I put forth. Glad you like it. :D


4,2,5,3,1 I'm surprised you didn't decide to use Déméchrelle for option #3.


1, 2, 5, 3, 4




1, 5, 3, 2, 4. I'm very glad to see the naga slurp one up there!! And seeing Anna give in to her Naga side, just a bit, sounds like fun!


5, 2, 1, 3, 4

Anonymous j'adore anna.


4, 2, 1, 3, 5








5, 4, 2, 3, 1


4 would be my top choice, followed by 5, 1, 2, 3 in thar order


4, possibly in combination with 5 (Trapped and carried in bag)


Most to least: 4, 3, 1, 5, 2


1, 4, 3, 2, 5


Oh man, I'm really not sure what to do about this . . . these are all so appealing I'm having a really hard time deciding what to vote for as my top choice, let alone how to rank all five. On the up side, at least there's no way I can be disappointed no matter what ends up winning! x3 Well, the best I can do: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5


Sorry broseph! 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 - I like all of them to be sure, but the only reason 3 is last is because Elle had a pic done like that long ago :P


4 (love the idea of them escaping Vivian's mouth to end up in Melany's). I would hope that they - or at least, Melany - end up with some taut and full tummies! :3 My most -&gt; least preferred: 4 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 3


I'll try doing it right this time ;p 4,5,1,3,2


Alright, but can you also please rank all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^


Strict ranking: 4,5,3,2,1.

Scott Miller

3 (Most Favorite) - I like the idea that we can get various angles inside the predators' mouth and the prey carefully moving around to determine what the best move to make next and not get eaten. 4 (Next Favorite) - A playful environment and of the prey escaping one mouth and falling into another would be neat. This idea puts me in mind of your vore day picture with each predator eying the prey. Last three: 5, 2, 1


2 5 1 3 4




3 1 5 4 2


2, 5, 4, 1, 3


4, 2, 3, 1, 5


4, 3, 2, 5, 1


2, 3, 1, 4, 5




2,5,4,1,3 for me




Can you please list all ideas in order from your favorite to your least favorite ? ^^