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I'm not good with precise release dates like you know XD but this time.. yeah it's for this week end ! :)

Maybe saturday, probably more sunday. But no more dragging on !

And once done I will quickly resume on regular pictures, and especially the long overdue Patreon ones that were on hold during this time ^^;

Thank you again for your patience and for your very kind support everyone ! ^__^



Yay! I'm really excited for this one, I have to admit. Just be sure to take care of yourself and try to get enough sleep etc. We wouldn't want you to undergo any kind of exhaustion-related zombification or anything. ;P


Exhaustion, would be bad - take it from someone who knows :). I can't wait to dive into this one - definitely no pun intended lol.


Well for today at least, I'm not going to bed until it's out XD