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Wow I was checking my messages this morning and suddenly I saw it... after a very generous donation, we just reached the second Job level o.O

That's it, Felarya is now officially my second job ! :D

I just can't express how grateful I am to all of you for your very kind generosity ^__^ This make me more motivated than ever!

As promised, every raffle drawings will be done in color from now on :)

And moreover I'm going to draw a special comic for my patrons ! Several pages in color whose theme you will be the ones to decide  ;)  I'm not setting it out immediately though as i want to finish a Princess's duty first ( and I suspect some of you might like to see a comic based on it after you read it XP ). But as soon as I'm done we'll set that up.

As for Princess's duty, it's really nearly finished.  I'm at the point where I'm taking each pages and add details to make them pop. Like shiny reflects on a tongue to give more volume, redraw a hand that appears too rigid etc. It's small but since there is 80 pages  it kind of add-up. But you can be sure all my time is going on it right now. I have halted all projects  and I'm literally spending all my days finishing it XD

Thank you again for your support all of you, and for making all of this possible ^_^


Minamoto Terumi

Wow congratulations! I wasn't sure you'd reach this level of donations to be honest, it seemed like things had reached a sort of equilibrium but yay! I guess I will start hoping that we get to main/full time job level. Portal to Felarya level would be cool too, wouldn't mind moving there.

Enigmatic Jester

Wow, holy shit! Congratulations! Can't wait for the new comic and the... other new comic. I knew A Princess ' Duty would push us past that milestone, I just didn't expect it before release. As for me, I'm going to start formulating ideas to suggest for the mini-comic.


Oh wow, congrats Karbo!! Now we're that much closer to opening a portal to Felarya!

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

You deserve this karbo. My hat is off to you. Congrats man congrats




Huzzah! Not to get sappy, but you've absolutely earned it with all you've dedicated to this setting. Felarya has become quite the triumph, in my (not so) humble opinion. Keep up the fantastic work, man! :D


WOW you made it and sooner than expected too ^^ . Congratulations man it's more than deserved for an high class artist of your calibre ;-) .


Well it's quite along way still but who know ? XD Thank you for your support ! ^_^


I'm proud of you :)


Thank you ^_^ yes it was very unexpected for me as well :)


Well done,


Awesome! Need more of your art to be made x3 hehe Also, how much will this comic be around? Im guessing like $15? o3o


10 actually :3 It's a threshold I prefer to not cross ^^

Enigmatic Jester

I'm continuously impressed by your generosity. Seriously, you could easily have people eating tinies from your hand if you charged more, and yet you consistently offer the highest-quality content for less than so many others. Your Patreon rewards are likewise really generous. I'm very glad that you're so congenial with your fans.