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This one is the WIP of a speedpainting I did a while ago that I'm thinking of turning into a full illustration ^^ I'm still hesitating on the atmosphere though. I'm pondering on turning it into a more grey-ish, stormy picture with rain falling and figures rushing to seek shelter inside :3




(Damn, triple-posted again . . . not sure I like how 'enter' just automatically posts here now, it keeps making me look like an idiot. xD) Anyway, I really like this one, and I have to say I rather like the idea of giving it a stormy atmosphere too. I've always found I like the effect of storms out in the wild . . . it seems to emphasize how nature will always just do its own thing, without really giving a damn. xD

Philip Bedingfield

I personally wouldn't change the atmosphere. I quite like the golden dusk, and the bulk of the picture is in gloomy shadow in contrast. Night is falling...


hehe alright. I think I'm going to try the two. With some adequate layers it can be quick ^^


hehe yes, stormy atmosphere are a lot of fun to do and can bring a ton in term of atmosphere to a picture :) And also to a story like we could saw a while ago ;D


The architecture that you do for Felarya is about as incredible as all the characters that live in it. Your talent just keeps growing, and this is no exception. A temple built into the cliff face near a waterfall is quite neat to look it. The log bridge is also a nice touch!