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It's time to find names for the squad https://www.patreon.com/posts/after-flat-color-30202270 :D

So we have :

-MJ-1 ( the Blonde one ): She's energetic, hot-headed, impulsive, brash and tomboyish. She has a tendency to express loudly how she feels so the whole world knows, and she can sometimes be pretty rude and vulgar as well. She's honest though, doesn't like to hold grudges and won't shy away from taking responsibility when she messes up.

Names: Eirin - Olga - Melba - Allia - Maya

-MJ-2 ( the dark haired one ): She's serious, focused, pragmatic and diplomat and often act as a voice of reason and maturity. She tend to look at the big picture and is good at keeping her emotions in check when on the job, although she can be playful and is sometimes prone to fits of irrepressible laughter.

Names: Mia - Neka - Yui -Ran - Sedna

-MJ-3 ( the pig-tailed one) : She's a bit of an airhead, clumsy but enthusiast , very active, with an expressive body language. She's also surprisingly strong, able to tear effortlessly into buildings or lift heavy weights which is, of course, a big advantage in her job . She has a sweet nature but hold a somewhat naive view of the world. She tends to take things at face values and to seek the approval of her peers. She's also a glutton who absolutely love to eat humans and is known to get often overzealous during the job.

Names : Cherry, Anelyse, Candice, Cattie, Joan

-MJ- 4 ( the petite, short haired-one ): She's quick-witted, temperamental and somewhat bossy. She has a sharp tongue and sarcastic nature, with always a ready retort. She's stubborn, rebellious, hard to impress and won't give her respect easily, as she tends to hold herself in rather high regards, not without reasons as she's smart and a quick learner. She can be mean and rather sadistic toward suspects, taking her time to tease them before gulping them down, and she's somewhat of a bully, especially to MJ-3.

Names: Corine, Coralie, Cecily, Emily, Rita, Daphne

Please tell me what you think and don't hesitate at all to submit your own proposition of names :D ( mine are just here to give some ideas ^^ )

Also I'm working on the Elorie pages at the moment, to complete all the text and panel organization. It should be ready soon ;3



In order: Maya, Yui, Cherry and Daphne. That's just my hot take.


For me, the most interesting names are: Eirin, Sedna, Anelyse and Daphne


Awwwww, no gluttons among them? I admit I like my elves to be more on the gluttonous side >.> Anyway... for names... MJ-1 - Allia MJ-2 - Mia MJ-3 - Joan MJ-4 - Rita


Of the names given I would go with MJ1: Allia, MJ2: Sedna, MJ3: Cherry, MJ4: Corine.


After learning their personalities, MJ-2 is still my favorite! I think Sedna would be a great fit for her, and her profile makes it seem like a fun idea to try and tickle her! As for the others, I think I'd go with: MJ1: Maya, MJ3: Cherry, and MJ4: Corine/Emily


Maya Mia and cherry but I'm not sure on the last


Since I really like japanese names, here are my suggestions: 1. Kaida (Meaning: resembling a small dragon) 2. Ritsuko (Child of the Law) or Risuka (Good law) 3. Kazuno (Your peace) or Azumi (safe space) 4. Asuga (swift like a wind) or Izanami (Goddess of Death and Creation, also meaning female who invites)


They're all pretty fitting, but if I had to choose: MJ1: Allia MJ2: Yui MJ3: Candice MJ4: Daphne


Going with real goofy naming convention here. I blame Eichiro Oda for this! Going with condiment names. 1.Salt 2.Pepper 3.Sriracha 4.Salsa


1- Eirin 2- Mia 3- Anelyse 4- Cecily


I like the names that you wanted us to pick from @Karbo :D I'll choose: MJ-1: Maya MJ-2: Yui MJ-3: Cherry (she looks like a Cherry to me :D my fav giantess of them all!) MJ-4: Cecily!

Verdant Range

MJ-1: Melba MJ-2: Ran MJ-3: Candice MJ-4: Corine


What if they had operator names? Police/SWAT/Military usually use those. I used your name for MJ3, Cherry, as a guide to create operator names for all of them and real names that match. The theme for this set is slot machine symbols :) 🍋🔔🍒 🌈 MJ1 - Lori (Lemon) (Lori is a tomboyish name, Lemon is a very girly sounding nickname, so I thought the dichotomy of her really not liking that nickname would be fun) MJ2 - Brielle (Bell) (Same syllables, it's a soft, smart sounding name and nickname, sounds like the real centerpoint of the squad keeping them on track) MJ3 - Cecilia (Cherry) (Picked the real name cause they both start similarily, Cherry is actually a nickname for Cherise IRL but that's a bit of an old name and this is a modern (?) setting) MJ4 - Jackie (Jackpot) (I named her Jackpot since she seems the most inexperienced but she has a lot of potential! And if they ever need a mission that nobody else can take, they'll call her in as she can work as a lone-operator.) Sample of an interaction, sorry, got carried away and I really like this whole concept you've set up: B: "This is Bell calling in, Lemon do you hear me?" L: "Yea yea Brielle I hear ya" B: "Ugh! We're using code names for this mission, remember?" L: "Uh, yea, sure whatever 'Bell' Anyways you heard what's going on from Cherry?" C: "Yep yep! On surveillance! As you told me!" L: "And did you spot the suspects?" C: "Yea uhm desert just went into the warehouse" B: "Desert? We didn't agree to-" C: "Sorry I'm just a bit hungry, can we pleaaaase call them desert?" L: "No, we can't. Anyways, what's going on now?" C: "Oh looks like they're getting into one of those spinny small things, yanno, the ones that fly?" B: "A... helicopter?" C: "Yea!" B: "Jackpot do you hear me? Suspect has taken to the skies, are you ready to ambush them from the sea?" [Rising out of the Water] J: "Mbmabam" *spits out water* "Yea! Suspects apprehended. Anyone wanna share?" C: "You don't have to ask me twice!" B: "Alright girls, mission accomplished! Let's jail them and report back to HQ."


Allia, Sedna, Joan,Rita

Connor King

Maya, Yui, Cattie, Rita


1- Eirin 2- Sedna 3- Cherry 4- Corine

Stephanie Wolff

1: Maya 2: Sedna 3: Joan 4: Daphne


Let me see, I always have trouble with names, but . . . MJ-1: Eirin MJ-2: Yui MJ-3: Cherry MJ-4: Rita


MJ1 - Eirin


MJ2: Neka, MJ3: Anelyse, MJ4: Cecily


haha nice example XP and indeed Lori could fit her well ^^


MJ-1: Melba, MJ-2: Mia, MJ-3: Anelyse, MJ-4: Coralie