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The picture of victory in high quality and large size ;D




I reaaaaally like how you draw Menyssan these days. She’s always been described as abit more curvy, but you started leaning more into that when you draw her, given her monstrous appetite, it makes sense for her to be ‘curvier’ than the other succubi you draw. Next time we visit the underworld in a vote comic, I can’t wait to see her cameos - hell, I would love to see something with her, that focuses on her life outside of work. We know she cosplays - but does she hunt, how does she catch more prey, does she visit human conventions? Do unsuspecting con-goers end up in her belly? There’s so much to work with lol. Since she’s tried the whole magical girl thing, does that mean she knows how to use the internet? Does Meny have a blog somewhere where she’s masquerading as your typical nerdy girl? Pandora’s box is open!


Well, i always will jealous to Vaderaz after this, you draw his oc Zuhra after all)


As they were meant to be.


haha thank you XP glad you liked that take on her. yeah I figured it would make sense to have her quite a bit more plump than other preds giving the fact she basically never stop eating :P As for internet.. who knows ! she's full of surprise for sure XP