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So I wanted to push a little bit some of those recent sketches I did with elves ^^  At first  I was really just going to add some details to give a bit of context  and then, little by little, it turned into a page XD   I'm not totally sure what I'll do with it but here goes ;3

Personally I really like this kind of quick vore scenario, With the pred casually gulping down a prey in sharp contrast to the reaction of said prey X3 Guess Jill will have to settle for another kind of "spot" where to spend the night..




That explains why the elves are not seen so much. They do eat and run tactics. XD Honestly would love more Elf pictures.


I love how ruthless and fast that is


Vraiment cool, ce scénar'! :) Comme quoi, les elfes sont pas juste des bouffeurs de salades. XD


Elves are one of the best types of pred and you draw them so well. Also, I wonder if that guy is gonna have self esteem issues since he wasn't chosen as a snack.


Wow... And I mean, WOW! This is a really well done comic strip, Karbo! I love the black and white, really reminds me of your old Tome comics, in a good way! And I really want to point out the pred's facial expressions in panels 5-9 as well as how you drew her lips in the 4th panel. And last but not least, just the overall feeling this picture gives is a really nice casual setting, but one of fear too. I can imagine the guy climbing above to be witness to his friends demise, but has to keep quite, lest he be eaten too! Really nice job again, and I hope to see more elves from you! They were always one of my favorite preds of yours!


This is brillant . Love the casual swallowing.


Best spot to spend a night its warm and soft why i never got enything this good when i was traveling

Enigmatic Jester

I can't help but see the upper left arm tattoo on her and the specific circumstances of her getting eaten while climbing and think back to that one girl Chalyss ate in A Princess' Duty. Perhaps this is how she ended up in hell in the first place? Quite unlucky if true.


Hah, glad to see those sketches lead to something neat :D I guess it would be somewhat neat to see her slurp the vines like noodles to get the other person if you were going to alter or expand on it.


Too bad for Jill but in Felarya you can't let your guard down for one moment or it's GAME OVER and you'll quickly get eaten by hot giant naked women as this sketch clearly shows ^^;


Wow this is really awesome! Cool to see something like this come up from a simple sketch


Ça pouvait pas être mauvais avec un titre comme ça.


hehe thank you ! glad you like it :D And yes the guy's situation is tough. There is certainly some survivor guilt here ^^;


hehe if you like elves, you're going to like what comes next XD


I just realized Felarya is like Skull Island with monster girls. Lots of giant creatures and dangers that eat humans. At least in Felarya the predator is pretty.


Lovely! I agree there's just something about the 'sudden and unexpected nom'. ;3 Also really can't complain about the viewing angle in that last panel. xD


oh wow I didn't thought about that to be honest but it's a neat idea XD