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I apologize for posting rather slowly in the las couple days, There was some stuff I had to take care off ^^; The good news is it's done now :)  with that out of the way plus the temperatures becoming more bearable over there it's the perfect situation to draw more ;3

So here is the work in progress of a new Butt contest :D You might remember the first one . This time there are more participants XP  I also tried to vary more body shapes this time. ( It's a criticism that came back often on the first one, how each bottom was very similar to the others but with different colors )

The question is now : who should be the winner ? ( at least so far ) :D




Menyssan gets my vote


Ooooo I remember that! Will the winner of this one go against the winner of the previous contest XD Also my vote going towards Ashmet


Have you ever felt like you were going to make a choice right away, but then you see another one, and then another one, and again with a new one until your face looks like a mixture of these 😵😍? Hahah I can't choose


Le festival des tarpés ! XD Pas trop mon délire, mais why not. X)


Its a Hard choice but i vote Chalyss she has Best butt, tail, Body, Face and throat from the inside and outside

Jenny Secret

Round 2? Awesome! I'd vote Subeta


I vote for Milly

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Aw Iridan must be too busy to compete this time. I'm voting caylin then.


Meralimaxia I like


As with the last one, I'm sticking with my one true love, Melany.


Nice, i like this type of contest jajaja


Meralimexia or Meny. Both are winners in my book!


You should prolly post a poll


Probably zycra or melany for me. Anko in spirit though :p


Jade, "I'll participate but don't you dare look for longer than two seconds!" So do I vote for petite Subeta, or perfectly curvaceous Liri? Ahhh, so many good choices. ;)





Classical Salamander

Jade... 'cause she's clearly 'so NOT into it!'... and I must point out that Zycra is cheating!


Subby or Liri or Melany or Menyssan :-) . Really hard to decide this time ^^;


At this point i'm just imagining Vivian in the corner with a protest sign saying "Naga hips are best!" or something. As for potential victor, Ashmet. Take what i say with a grain of salt though, i voted for Subeta last time :P


Yes!!!!!!! Thankyou karbo. P.s. my favorites are Caylin, Tina and thicc the succubi, menny and mermelimexia. Also it's nice to see zycra in stuff.


An excellent line-up (Milly's cute), although I'm dismayed by the lack of huffy Vivian.

John Doe

Gotta be Meni or Melany, big butts=best butts!

Kevin Bowman Jr.

Gotta be Merilimexia. Also first time I've seen Milly or Jade without clothing.


Butttastic! So many fine ladies, hard to focus your gaze x3


This contest is so biased! Look at the contestants - six succubi, and four fairies? Everyone should get the chance to flaunt their butts, no matter the race! What about all the nagas, mermaids, dryads . . . wait. xD But yeah, jokes aside, I very much enjoyed the last one of these, so this is a fun surprise! I'm not even sure who to root for. I think I'm leaning towards Menyssan now, but it's a really tough choice this time! x3


I am butt lover and this picture just makes my day


I just realized,where’s Bella?