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So I think  I'm going to go for 12 main illustrations in total ( some of them with multiple panels ) and there is going to be a non-determined-yet number of small panels. Pretty much like usual in graphic novel :3

The base story can be read here:  https://aryion.com/g4/view/17472   Keep in mind It's one of the first thing I ever submitted as well as being the only story I wrote in english so it has aged quite a bit. It could definitely use some rework ^^; 

Here is how we're going to do this :)

There are 6 parts I'm going to pick to illustrate. Parts i think are either essential for the flow ( or that I just really want to draw XD) And 6 parts you guys get to chose.  

Illustration 1:

In the middle of the room were three gigantic females, each lying lazily on the floor. Their impossible size dwarfed even the surrounding structures and their awesome dimensions

This one pretty much set the stage. I'd see it as a wide, almost panoramic view as to both show the entire scene and to convey the feeling of shock of the prisoners. 

 Illustration 2: 

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth very wide; after a few seconds, Sardon realized she was only yawning. 

The prisoner in her hand was given a full view of the moist, red cavern in front of him during the process, and he began to thrash and kick wildly in her grasp. 

The demoness smiled innocently.

"You don't enjoy the view, mortal ?"

Introducing the red-headed succubus, Sybarith here. I also like the idea of a simple yawn for the succubus turning into something much more intimidating for the prey ^^ Great mawshot opportunity too ! 

 Illustration 3:

-He tried to resist his captor, but he was no match for the massive demon hustling him toward the hungry giantess. She was more than ready for him, her huge legs spread wide apart, nonchalantly exposing her broad, pink slit; judging by her dripping vulva, the girl was enjoying herself immensely

This one introduce Menyssan as Sardon walks toward her and well of course it's a pretty sexy view too ^^

 Illustration 4: 

-Without another word, she lowered her hand and placed Sardon on her swollen belly. As soon as her fingers let him go, the emperor lost his balance and fell onto his back, enveloped in soft, smooth skin. The girl then playfully moved her stomach in and out, making his tiny body jump up and down.

"Stop!! Enough!!" Yelled Sardon, with rapidly-diminishing dignity.

His puny protests were easily muffled by the loud gurgling noises coming from the giant stomach below.

It's the moment where Sardon finally start to lose his assurance and composure and I like the idea of a prey walking and trying to stand on a giant full belly in the middle of digestion X3

 Illustration 5:  

-Sardon stared down the length of the tongue towards the back of the mouth and gasped when he saw a man there, still fighting to not slip into the hungry darkness beneath him.

That's a scene I'd really like to draw. Just a simple, open-mouth swallow and Menyssan ready for more after that !

  Illustration 6:  

Menyssan slowly massaged her full belly. She had greatly enjoyed her little teasing of Sardon and was now concentrating on the tiny movements coming from deep inside her. 

More or less the closing picture. And who don't want to see a happy and (satiated?) Meny digesting her meal? X3

And for the 6 additionnal picture, it's up to you !  you can suggest here what you'd like to see or what you think would be nice to show.. At the end, depending on the results we might do a poll to decide ^^ 


Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Looks like a good plan. Some digestion focus could be nice. XD But yeah, looks like a good plan.


“Then, with a deliberate slowness and a loud, wet smack, she removed her fingers, smiled, and... swallowed! Sardon stared in disbelief at the small, struggling lump as it slid slowly down the girl's throat and disappeared into her beautiful body. The succubus burped softly and rubbed her swollen belly, a dreamy expression on her face.” Sorry If this is too long a section


As the Demon guard walks away he drops his guard just long enough for Sybarith to snag them with her toes, and then goes through the process of deciding if she eat him, or have fun with him before eating him.


Those are the parts I would definitely like to see illustrated ^__^ : "The succubus gulped deeply, but playfully kept her grip on him with her thumb and index finger at the last moment. She repeated the process several times, playing a cruel game of tug of war between her oesophagus and her hand. Finally, when she became bored, she loosened her fingers slightly and let her greedy throat drag its treat all the way down." "The succubus swallowed without even shutting her mouth; her innocent eyes never broke contact with Sardon." "But, unfortunately for him, the tongue was in constant motion and coated with thick saliva, making it extremely difficult to keep his balance. A sudden jerk sent Sardon back on all fours. Each time he tried to stand up or approach the edge of the tongue to throw himself overboard, the slimy organ would twitch slightly just enough to make him fall back safely into the middle." "The succubus giggled and just twitched her expert tongue at the right place and at the right moment, and Sardon was effortlessly catapulted back, this time to slide right into her open throat!" "Menyssan swallowed. Sargon's struggles were reduced to nothing when her throat pulsed with dreadful finality to propel him downward to his doom. Squeezed by the tight grip of her throat, Sargon clawed futilely one last time at the slick walls of the esophagus in the vain hope of stopping his fall. After a swift descent, Menyssan's stomach opened eagerly to receive him." "Sardon splashed amid total darkness into a thick, stinging liquid and a sour stench. He struggled and squirmed, desperately trying to find the surface of the acidic quagmire. The demoness's belly seemed almost full. All around him the digestive gurglings mixed with cries of despair were deafening. He felt himself squeezed on all sides by struggling bodies piling on top of one another, fighting to escape the deadly gastric juices, just for an instant. Sardon joined them but the constant motion of the churning stomach tossed and collapsed them." The last suggested scene would be perfect for a detailed stomach cutaway view as in the Menyssan and Crisis Eating Contest picture me thinks ;-) .


Usually I prefer it to be all females :)


Oh bordel, cette vieille fic ! Ça remonte, les souvenirs ! :'D


Same ^^ but maybe Sardon could be switched with a female Emperor.

Enigmatic Jester

Well, we don't need to change the story really, but I think we could definitely have other random female prey getting eaten. Would love to see some internals from them.

Rem Buchard

“Menyssan lay next to her sisters. She was on the brink of slumber, relaxed by the loud and now constant churning and gurgling of her belly. She gave several delicate burps as the movements in her stomach slowly began to fade away.” As far as requests for the project as a whole, I enjoyed the wide framing of the externals in “Check and Mate”, and now that we’re back in hell, would love to see that again. Beyond that, to be short, I like burps a lot, and anything you throw in is always a pleasant surprise. Regardless, I trust your vision and whatever you come up with, thanks for revisiting Hell, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.


Seems like an interesting idea! I mean...maybe some more detailed insertion? Seems fitting especially for succubi and it would be nice to see some of that but maybe more drawn out and with some internal stuff before or in between vore, to kind of mix things up ^^


I'ma have to go back and re-read it but from what i remember, it was a DAMN good story. So, there's probably going to be alot of good things to choose from.


Submitted 13 years ago, oh my god! You are touching up some pretty old stuff :O. You are getting me inspired to redraw some old ass stuff myself.


hehe going back to the roots can be refreshing some times :D


Do what you think is best, Karbo! <3 I'm in full support with whatever you think is cool. :3


"After a conniving blink to her companion, she folded her immense wings over her back and curled her body against the sleeping girl. She fell quickly asleep, her head somewhat using the groaning belly of her sister as a pillow." I think it's generally nice to see one of the girls listening to the sounds of digestion of one of the other's belly. Like a song to fall asleep to x3


Would like to see the internal scene (PoV or 3rd person) of Menyssan's stomach! :3 "All around him the digestive gurglings mixed with cries of despair were deafening. He felt himself squeezed on all sides by struggling bodies piling on top of one another, fighting to escape the deadly gastric juices, just for an instant. Sardon joined them but the constant motion of the churning stomach tossed and collapsed them."


I would love to see some insertion seems fitting for a succubus !


Thanks ! ^^ it has aged quite a bit though when Ire-read it XP


Nice one indeed ^^ I definitely agree it needs some internal views ;3


alright thanks for the suggestion it's a good one :) What do you mean by wide framing though ?

Rem Buchard

Yeah, I probably should have been more specific lol. Now that I'm looking at it, it's more poses than framing, because I think some of the more recent stuff gives the impression of being very close to the subject, but I think that's mostly a result of the nature of, say, a cowgirl being on all fours. I think what I should have said is something I've probably said before, which is that a lot of full body external frames and poses, as opposed to close cuts and mawshots, are a personal preference. examples would be pages 18, 45, and especially 58 of "Check and Mate." Again, I say this knowing that a lot of people love internals and maw shots, and that that stuff is super fun for the artist, but I like what i like and I thought I'd voice it in case it might cause an inclusion.

Greek (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:13:22 Always a fan of digestion and soul absorption. Since they are souls the digestion can be non graphic (melting away) if you decide to show internals <3
2019-07-29 16:30:31 Always a fan of digestion and soul absorption. Since they are souls the digestion can be non graphic (melting away) if you decide to show internals <3

Always a fan of digestion and soul absorption. Since they are souls the digestion can be non graphic (melting away) if you decide to show internals <3