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This.... sucks : /

At this time i'm not sure exactly why my account was suspended. I can communicate with you guys but like you can see my stuff is not visible anymore and all pledges are halted.

I'm getting in contact with Patreon to know exactly why this happened and hopefully get my account back to normal. But this is pretty devastating. And right after the Tumblr mess too.. I'll keep you informed of every development guys. Thank you so much for your kind and loyal support.



For a second I got suspended lol




It’s happened to others I’ve seen. Most of them had to drastically alter how they show content. Some only have 100% nsfw things as freebies, and the rest is pay. Some still have freebies distributed via google drive, and just a default image that pops whenever they post. There’s drive links for each tier of course.




I've seen stuff like this happen before, hopefully it's nothing serious but assuming they don't want you posting NSFW a good way around that would be make a patron only discord. I hope you don't have to do that though since it would be a pain to deal with.


D'abord Tumblr, puis Patreon. Je commence à penser que les sites américains sont en train de se reconvertir en réunion de tarlouzes puritaines. Web 2.0 et liberté du net, qu'ils disaient. Surtout que de ce que je sais, t'as bel et bien activé le disclaimer "Contenu pour adultes".


Maaaaybe you could try to post censored previews and then put a link to a google drive with the uncensored version? It would be kind of a hassle, I know, but you would stay on the safe side of the road. Oh, and change the banner of your patreon if it has nudity. You know how hyper sensitive some jerks are and some admins are too.


I see... by the way can I ask how you managed to post here? If I log off, like many others people I see only a "page under review" notifications and no way to read any posts anywhere...


It's a possible solution yeah ^^ although for now I'm still waiting to know exactly why I was suspended : /


I do not know why such measures were taken. Even though I did not do anything stuck with the law anyhow. If you do this kind of thing, you only have to distrust the support site.


Might this have to do with the purging of right side political views patreon has done in the past month or so?


Since I can reply to the update post, I’ll fo it here. Looks like you’ve definitely been caught up in the wave of political correctness bs / no wrongthink that’s been sweeping everywhere. I’d be willing to bet money that the reason the “non consensual” bit is being brought up about prey, is because it’s mostly female. Because let’s face it, the only time males get to play the nonconsensual bit is when they’re kids. The other bit, which you rightly point out, is that the act of devouring another creature is not sexual at all, and is legitimately terrifying as an actual concept. Of course it’s NON consensual... but it’s only sexual to them because A. The person screaming No is female, or B. The person doing the eating isn’t a butt ugly dinosaur! I guarantee if one of those things - probably A, we’re any different then you wouldn’t be dealing with this crap. And that’s really really stupid...