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Turned out super great! And to answer your question, even if she didn't have room for the Handler, I'm betting her friend in the background would volunteer to help her out X3


I think the best solution here is for the Handler to be let go, only for a sexy Rathalos lady to scoop her up. :D Fantastic work, definitely one of my favorites from you!


I'd wager there will definitely be a spot remaining! This turned out even better than expected, and that's saying something!


Thanks, scout-flies. Very helpful.


Pretty sure with how many are already caught that's all the carts already- Quest Failed! As for the handler...yes. Yes there's always room for her. EAT HER! XD. Really love it all though heh, MH monster girls are 'great' hehe, and that vore scene really begged for it to happen and this does it 'greatly' :P.


Yeah Rathalos are rather agressive so that's a possible scenario XD


Just checked the fight out on YouTube and holy crap you were right. You also nail a bunch of the level details really well here - small details are always one of the things I like about your work. Now, if only we could have seen what led up to this point :p