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Even if this not fully done, this looks awesome! Happy Vore Day!!!!


If Anna would join it'll be much better celebration lol


Leppy-"I'm in there somewhere. ...."


Too bad she doesn't really get along with Meant too much, hah.


So much depth to the picture now, I love it!


Happy vore day! Amazing Work man, this is certainly One of my all Time favorites of yours ;3

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Looks absolutely amazing. And I'm glad you keep doing some more detailed digestion. It really has added to your pictures!


Happy vore day


Happy Vore Day! Amazing variety in stomach cut-away styles! And the blotchy forest lighting is absolutely beautiful, it makes it feel like a really peaceful setting (for the fairies that is, heh).


Happy vore day à tous depuis mon lit d'hôpital et super dessin, comme d'hab' ! ^^


Got some Berserk flashbacks from the Eclipse.


I'm a bit late but, happy Vore day, Karbo!


Happy Vore Day! This is fantastic! <3 All these faeries look so happy to welcome those immigrants to their new, permanent homes. Who could complain about such a cozy welcoming party? x3 The dappled lighting and all the final details and shading really add a great deal to the finished picture. I'm also very fond of that little faerie zooming in from the upper right you added. Something about her focused, hungry look made me laugh. What a fantastic Vore Day! (For the faeries).


A whole bunch of giantesses eating and digesting a bunch of small prey, all within the same frame....what more can you ask for? ;) With that amount of detail, the picture reminds me of those "Where's Waldo?" books. Though in that analogy, Waldo is probably unrecognizable: his remains gurgling and being pushed inside one of the lady's small intestines there. :P Happy Vore Day, Karbo! Your art never ceases to amaze me and many of your followers, both here and elsewhere. I hope you'll keep producing vore content for many more years to come. <3


11 full- and 3 smaller sized fairies in one vore picture that's insane :O !!! Then there's the overall detail with the large environment. Especially love how the smaller trees show such a great sense of scale [really shows how dangerous it is if they were to deal with just one of those giant beauties (cracked trees say Hi ^^; )] , the different skin colors of the winged predator ladies, the unusual use of lighting which going out from the portal lightens up the whole central part while the rest remains more dark (I assume that's because the humans arrived in Felarya during night time ? ) . Love that effect :-) . All in all clearly one of the most complex and best vore pictures you ever did. Ohh and wait wait wait (almost didn't notice ^^; ) is that mouth play I see there ?!? HELL YEEEEEES !!!!!!! Thanks a LOT for including it ;-) .


oh that moment.. it's one that marked me quite a bit XP


Naan, juste une greffe du foie le 31 juillet, qui a été une réussite. Je sors de l'hôpital dans une semaine. ^^


Thank you :D mhh a vorish where's Waldo. Now this is an idea with potential XP


hehe thank you, glad you liked it XD And yes I figured you would like that part :P


ah d'accord je vois ! Content que ça se soit bien passé :)

Rem Buchard

Patreon FINALLY approved my pledge, so I just saw this today, and I think this may be my favorite piece of your work, thank you so much.