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The fairies closed in on their never-ending food supply pretty well ^^; . I wonder how many more humans pop out of that portal including winged beauties who arrive for the banquet.


Maybe im just a weird one here but id love to see one of those smaller fairies eat a tasty human similar to the baby harpy you a couple months back

Jake Monroe

Man, this is turning out amazing. Can't wait to see the finished version.


Gahh, I love this! ^_^ I can't wait to see what it looks like once you finish it.


Fantastic work! Really liking the colors you chose. I do hope we get to see more of the sleeping fairy in the top right. I also really like the changes you made to the fairy in the top middle since the last WIP. Keep up the great work!


Ohhh, I love the way it's coming along! :D I really like the variety of fairy skin-tones on display (even if purple is my favorite!), and seeing a few lounging about at smaller sizes it really cool and fitting as well. This is your best Vore Day picture yet, in my (totally unbiased) Melany-loving opinion! :3


hehe who knows ? XD but if it's a couple dozens, they should all find some new "homes" here X3