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Aka Vore day :D

It's in a while yes but I think it's a good time to start thinking about it. So please if you have any idea or suggestions, go ahead ;)

( if you do, try to don't be too specific but not too generic either with your idea ;3 )


Kevin Bowman Jr.

I haven't seen you do Belletia in a while.


Pourquoi pas Crisis et toute la bande des habituées de Felarya qui invitent et accueillent les nouvelles prédatrices qui ont été crées cette année ? (Bella et Liri par exemple)


That's true, seeing how she's always cheated out of her meals, it would be nice to see her get her fill :p


Maybe just a giant sketch post with loads of vore scenarios on, always love something like that!

Minamoto Terumi

Something something vore for the vore throne. Somehow


I say do something with the “women” that’s abit sultry and sexy this year. The last few years I can remember it’s always been something cheerful or crisis level bubbly. Let’s crank up that M rating this year! Let’s even get abit dark if we have to! When I say women - that does of course mean characters who are generally like Vivian, Belatia counts I think, Meralimexia. Basically any of the characters who tend to be more “mature” or “womanly” as compared to simply girlish.


A continuation of either more party or a mouthful of choices would be nice, but I do agree maybe the best 8/8 picture you could do is something similar to your vore vore vore sketches you did a few years back. However whatever you make I am sure I will like it no matter what it is.


Something involving struggle. Your Small Harpy pictures have been my favourite of your recent drawings.


You could draw a picture with your characters sitting around a campfire or something talking... (Wait how big would that campfire be?)


Well, last year (or the year before?) I recall you doing a sketch with a lot of Felaryan ladies' mouths... Maybe this year it's all of them again but with full bellies?


How about a Felaryan eating context? We all know Crisis or Menyssan is gonna take it home but I'm sure there are more willing participants! To build on the idea of Felaryan ladies with full bellies above.


vore day from the view of pray


I really like the eating contest idea. Or maybe you could do some funny "voreception" pic. (Edit) The idea above is also really cool!


Short Comic of Crisis or Menyssan with full/expanded bellys shrinking/digesting similar to the small harpy drawing.

David Dent

Ack! I forgot about this. I should try and get something new up myself. Hmmm but what could you do that's Vore themed? o.O I mean it's hardly like you're the greatest Vore artist that ever lived right? >.> Perhaps a picture of aerial harpy vore, then Vore on the land by centuaress and finally Chaelana or Selachi Vore beneath the waves? It would be epic if done right.


Anna and Crisis doing Chubby bunny meme with smols instead of marshmallows. Maybe Subeta, too. XD Possibly a comic where, surprisingly Anna can stuff the most into her cheeks.


And after Crisis pats Anna on her back for winning she would accidentally swallow all the people in her mouth by accident? ~


If "not generic" is the theme... how about something based on one of the non-canon pics? Like say, Melany ate Lea by accident and is sheepishly telling/surviving a pissed-off Crisis and co to help get her back out - complete with shots of an unamused Lea sitting patiently in Melany's belly. Hope that's not verging on the 'too spicific' aspect - first time really making a suggestion for this stuff XD


Hmmm well this just popped in my head. How about a vore lesson of sorts. Like parent teaching there off spring, or some make shift classroom setting.


Hmm considering the summer (and how certain succubi are making it far too hot to be right!) how about a beach party of sorts hehe? It could have some giantess lounging in beach chairs (like near Elli's place?) with land based giantesses and also some others in water...possibly playing sharks and minnows, or just jaws with tinies in the water XD. The ones not in the water could have them in little glasses 'flavoring' their drinks and such too :P.

Renegade Pizza Guy

Perhaps a Felaryan celebration, where the lovely ladies come together to share in merriment...and lots of prey, naturally


Perhaps a voracious Fair? Prey eating contest, shooting prey into prey out of potato guns, etc......ignore this if this break the prerequisites. ^^;


Well, here in NZ we have a Wild Food festival where people gather together to try food items that they may otherwise not have had the opportunity to taste before. Maybe something along those lines? (Can't see Kat getting many takers for her slug girls though.....)

David Fontenot

Once entering the pred's stomach, the prey falls onto a pile of bones but, doesn't notice at first. Then, as reality of the future sets in, the prey begins to panic, hitting and punching the pred's stomach walls.


Little role reversal thing maybe? One of the usual preds has a nightmare where they are about to fall prey to something they are usually the one eating.


That has some promise to. Especially with The Meg coming out shortly before.


You could never go wrong with doing a spiritual successor to the little harpy vore comic; just a different character who comes across a slightly larger than normal prey and has some difficulty getting them down but eventually wins out in the end. That's one of the best scenarios you've done perfectly!


A Succubi feast in hell with a long banquet table of tinies in bowls or a feast with fairies/the main cast at a banquet table loaded with tiny people.


All your ladies inside a Felaryan titan's belly.


Ok, get a Titan sized pred eating normal-giants, who have also eaten humans/nekos, who have THEMSELVES eaten tomthumbs/tinies and whatnot! Introduce the world to some proper, large-scale vore-ception!




I'm not sure if it would interest you @Karbo, but maybe you could try a Star Wars themed one for Vore Day :D There's lots of potential for it that doesn't need to involve a Sarlacc Pit, Hutt, or Space Slug. :P


Hmmmm... What about sequel to this pic <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Dealing-with-bullies-69272033" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Dealing-with-bullies-69272033</a> or some similar scenario as challenge for giantesses on Vore Day where they would have to try to empty the building out of people~ Or swallow bus or train full of people whole... I mean, Vore day is great day for eating challenges &gt;.&gt;


I like both these ideas a lot! Any succubus that would be able to handle swallowing and digesting the metal? Or I guess Crisis's stomach can handle anything. *shrug*


Hmm something that involves Tina and Caylin but with more of the giantess as a whole


Like a line of mawshot comparisons


Little Crisis gets so hungry she tries to swallow her own tail. She uses such strength that is starts to create an event horizon, potential creating a black hole that not even light could escape. As all of creation trembles at their oncoming doom, Melany slaps her on the back of the head and tells her to knock it off. The world is saved.


Want to see Anna participating.. Especially for such important day!


A group of giant monster girls (or not) sit around a small table in a cafe. On their table is a cake celebrating the 8/8. Around them, wait staff serve smaller creatures in various live-food style dishes to the persons as they indulge in the food already at their table.


Gonna pitch my idea of last year: Pool party inside a particularly giant girl's stomach, hosting the normal-sized giantesses of Felarya inside herself.


Hmmm, well normally I WOULD have suggested something where Crisis noms a bunch of campers or something . . . but you're already working on that! x3 Maybe something with Melany? I really like her as a predator, and her overly-elaborate trap theme is fun with a lot of possibilities. In any case, whatever you decide on, I'm sure it'll be great. :D


I'd say go with a group picnic/feast with your characters nomming on a bunch of people. or TY975's idea of all of them cramped inside a bigger giantess's belly (or maybe Mystiniel's belly)


It would be amazing to see the Cow Girl eating people again !


Smaller giantesses eating people, and some smaller giantesses that already ate and have struggling bellies. Or you could have a larger pred swallowing a smaller pred.


I would love to see you continue on with what you've started with this pic: <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Revenge-of-the-candies-632353267" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Revenge-of-the-candies-632353267</a> In the follow up, maybe showing what's happening in Hotaru's mouth and throat, complete with an awesome shot of her throat that shows her epiglottis and vocal cords, kind of like your Trip inside Lady Meralimexa series! That or continuing on with what happens with this pic: <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Who-need-a-map-743030888" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/karbo/art/Who-need-a-map-743030888</a>