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Here are some sketches I did for the adventurer in Elorie comic :) 

You can see the process I use when I'm researching for characters. I start by just sketching various faces, and then merging some elements I like to make new options and so on.  Also finally I went for a female, for the character who is going to walk in Elorie's mouth. This way it balances the preys ^^ 

Note that the portrait at the bottom are not necessarily definitive as are the names. Please don't hesitate if you have any remark or opinions ! ;) 




on dirait qu'il y a du progrès dans le design des personnages masculin

David Dent

I love the way you draw non-base adventurers! So many little details and styles. o.o; Graam sorta looks like me back before my hair started falling out!


I know this is off topic but when is you going to continue the Tome series. Dying to know what happens lol


Sympa ! ^^


Katrika -"Is this a menu?"


I really like Elorie's burp in the corner there. Some good foreshadowing for the fate of everyone else. XD

Enigmatic Jester

The girls are so cute, especially Saki. I love her abs - that's not something we see too often with your characters.


As a fan of female preys this makes me really happy ^__^ . Filia is a looker :-) . With all past criticism in mind I hope their scenes (especially the vore ones) get properly extended to better highlight their characteristics more. EDIT: Sorry for the off-topic but please check your PM ;-) .


Too bad they will be all gone. Or they are the ones who are already gone? I don't remember.

Count Swinge

You beautiful $#&@%!! I don't think it was for or as a result of me, but I said before I'd kill to see that cute lil neko burp and you put it in. Thank you so much. Holy wow. If there is ever a chance to commission or something. I'd love to go in to get a full size, panel or two. Similar to your glorious young harpy one with this lil kitten. <3 I think I have to raise my sub :)

Count Swinge

Uped it to twenty. You deserve more, that's all I can do for now. Thanks for being an incredible member of this community and for being supportive and talented.


thank you kindly ! :D Well she is going to burp quite a lot throughout the comic XP


This is really cool! It's neat to see a little bit of your process of creating characters here, and all the various notes and expressions give a surprisingly rounded view of them as characters, not to mention looking really nice in general. Nothing like a little bit of depth/development for the prey to make things more interesting, in my opinion. x3


For now the priority is with the Elorie comic but after it I plan to continue the manga yes :)


It’s funny cause her belch is foreshadowing of most of their final destinations. Seriously though, I agree with prinny, it’s always cool to see your process with these sort of things - and it definitely helps with one of the main facets of a good Felaryan story: caring about the characters, even if they are redshirts.


It's great Karbo! Keep up the good work