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The doodles of the month in progress :) 

Also I did speak a bit too soon about the "cold"  I had. Turn out that cold  was actually a Sinusitis : /  The good news though is this time i went through a proper treatment with various plant steam inhalations and last night the results were here at least. i could sleep a relatively normal night without that choking feeling so characteristic to sinusitis..  the kind that force you to sleep in sitting position and really make you not looking forward to night at all ..

So yes this time I'm really on my way to recovery. Thank you so much for your patience guys! :)




Glad to hear that your making a good recovery!


Just got Neir, haven’t played it yet. Hey by the way, you should check out a somewhat new manga. It’s called bye bye Peter Pan, it’s pretty cool, even got gts content, stories interesting but it’s basically based on the fact that the kids that are 18 and below are only a few inches tall compared to the adults who are normal sized. And well, I can’t explain it well, since it’s still in Japanese, but the two age groups are basically fighting cause the adults exterminated the graduating classes of the kids. Pretty gorey with the adults trying to crush the kids and all that.


content d'entendre que ça va mieux pour toi, ne te force pas trop quand même. Allez bon rétablissement


Woah, that's Nailah! So cool to see content of Radiant Dawn's wolf queen




Digging that mawshot in the bottom-left. Simple idea but it works.


That girl in the bottom left is soo cute :3 wish I could see more of her. Probably with a cute little throat bulge or something :3


So is that centaur just affectionate or...? Also, toy should find some tea and a bed and just make that your life for a while.


that is the one i requsted heh... it is a personal caracther request of mine as this is is basicly the the first time ive seen her like this other than describing in text


Centauresses eating Dryads! Of course, that's would only be natural, come to think of it.


coming back to patreon to see more beautiful work from you on my Birthday has to be the best thing! cheers mate!


Oh my, that dryad-lick! Hardly seems like a polite way to say 'hello'! x3 Sorry to hear your sickness has been more persistent than you thought. Please take all the time you need to recover and all that. I for one am practically made of patience. :)


La neko en bas à gauche est trop chou ! :3


hahaha XD And yeah that lick is a little too insistent for comfort I guess :D

Enigmatic Jester

Karbo, I'm pretty sure I have the same thing that you had. My throat is unbearably sore, and the moment I fall asleep I instantly start choking and wake up, which has inhibited my rest as of late. I definitely feel your pain.

Count Swinge

Can the neko belch like the rest :p?


Oh I never heard about this one before. Do you have a link ? :3


yeahh that definitely sound like Sinusitis alright : / All i can say is don't hold back, try to get everything you can out even if it's unpleasant . Regardless of what you"re doing it's going to last one week at minimum so what you want to do is evacuate the most of the stuff possible so it doesn't start to get infected by then. When sinuses get infected the nasal substances start to become really thick and it makes that choking feeling even more unbearable...

Count Swinge (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:37:04 Would kill to see that >¥
2018-05-18 21:16:19 Would kill to see that >¥

Would kill to see that >¥