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Here are the next 12 storyboarded pages of the Elorie Comic :)

Characters are still placeholders and as always with story boards things can change quite a bit. At this stage I really welcome your imput and feedback, as it's very easy to modify or expand things. So please don' t hesitate ! ;3

The next pages are coming soon ( and yes I mean soon XD, i really want to finish the storyboard so we can discuss the whole story and I can start on the inking/lineart part ), up until the end. Since poor Elorie is going to be quite sad at what she involuntarily did I think I'm going to go with a kind of bitterswet ending, but more sweet than bitter ^^

But don't hesitate, again, to give your opinion ;3

first part : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cursed-relic-p1-11253072

Second part : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cursed-relic-p17-11938064

Third part : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cursed-relic-p29-14543781




Very good.


I think these pages came out super well, they feel the most done actually either though there obviously placeholder elements. Can't really think of anything to say that I would change but if I do I'll edit the end of this post. Definitely looking forward to the next set!


Looks great! But is the comic going to curse this much? I know I'm a minority in this regard but cursing is always a bit of a turn off for me

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

This is excellent! I really like how they were. And I definitely should go bittersweet and don't try to sweeten it up. Give us the full bitter sting!


It tickles me to imagine that the plant actually is just called "Plant Name" and that's not just a placeholder


dark - i think it's kinda cool to see somethin like this from ya


I'm usually done with vore once the swallowing is over, but you have a way of making these sexy shots of her digesting from the outside that are just so amazing. Especially the shots of the guy standing on her belly with the massive underboob in front of him and churning sounds. Don't add any more cutaways, if you ask me, I much prefer seeing the outside, personally <3 Edit: Actually, now that I... "reviewed" the previous pages, I realize my biggest disappointment is to not have a proper shot of the swallow from the outside in page 37 after you spent about 3 pages leading up to it!


An interesting series of events! I think this fits well; she doesn't seem to me like the type who wouldn't try everything she could to save her "prey", so accidentally knocking herself out like this is one of the only ways I could see this all happening. (less depressing than her being awake and yet helpless the whole time, aha...) Granted, this story isn't really "for me", but I am curious of this potential for a slightly sweet ending to it all! And of course I'm appreciating the art very much. ^^


Good work as always. I would like to see a good ending from time to time.


I'd find it Funny if she ate the last survivor on purposes because she doesen't want any witnessers of her embarrasing Act x3 Edit: or Alternatively she gets Angry like with the guys swearing all the time and therefore ests them


Maybe there can be another panel between 45 and 46 in which Elorie looks content because she is dreaming she ate mice-people. This way her predator nature can come out again; there will be more time for the "outside Elorie guy" to kinda get scared; and it can add an extra digestion image (less contrast between full and empty stomach).

Bar Barc

extremly lovely continuation of the Story :) Thx for your hard work!


I still can't get over how adorable Elorie is! How can anyone be mad at her for (accidentally!) eating a few people? I think she might be my favorite catgirl ever. (Don't tell Caylin!) I can't really think of much in the way of suggestions, the layout and everything seems pretty stellar to me. Very curious about how it's going to conclude too! :D


Those are by far my favorite pages yet :O !!! There isn't an overload of small panels per page anymore and the outcome of the preys is way more interesting to follow because of it since the scenes connect better and Elorie is just super nice to look at on a big panel or in a full body pose ^^ . Great internal shots plus a better level of scale between Elorie and her shrunken companions are also a huge factor ;-) . Looking back I really hope that you re-work the previous pages to get them more in line with the present ones (see also my past criticism in the comment section of earlier storyboard updates again) .


Can't wait to read this! Elorie is adorable and the situation you're presenting is interesting. If I had one suggestion, it would be to have a few more shots of Elorie's stomach as digestion continues: maybe the guy on the outside trying in vain to get her attention as it kicks into high gear.


Needs another female tiny... just mine and my friend's opinions. XD

Enigmatic Jester

Yeah, I would have to concur on this one. I know the characters are placeholders, but it seems like there are actually two girls with the party near the beginning. If you don't want to do another brief scene, then I'd suggest making the second one who gets eaten by Elorie female?


Oh I definitely will :) At the very least I'm going to add two pages here with large shots ^^


Hehe thank you ;D I pretty much never tried accidental vore before, it's interesting XP


Awwe. I feel quite sad for Elorie. She's such a sweetheart. I'm glad the ending is going to have a bit more sweet than bitter to it, even though I know if I were Elorie, I would be quite... well, I would be feeling quite awful, really.


and here i am wondering if there was a comic of this girl and it is. now.. if i could pay even more so this could be fully coloured and finished i be so happy but i cant give any more than i already do of 30 dollars heh...


une idée, comme ça : le temple pourrait être au milieu d'un grand lac (leur barque aurait disparu pour quelques raisons...) il faudrait qu'ils s'échappent... sauf que le petit gars pourrait se faire manger par des poissons et qu'il ne voudra jamais être transporter dans sa bouche. Comme elle doit avoir les mains libres pour nager... il ne reste pas beaucoup d'endroits pour le "loger" ;-)


I’m in love with the story. Tho it’s no Tome 6. :3


I don't want things to be too harsh on Elorie ^^; She might have clumsily eaten three of her companions but she's a sweet thing :P


I agree the scene lacks a sense of urgency and I'll definitely add at least one more page :)


Oh it will be be :) it's going to be a full color one when finished


Ah le coup de le mettre dans la bouche pour avoir les mains libres ça peut donner un scène bien sympa oui XD