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And another page ;) Yes Chalyss is not really of the modest type XP Also you might have noticed a bit less activity from me this past week, this is because I have now really switched onto the comic in high gear :) And also because the map is turning out to be a much bigger project than I anticipated and is eating hours very fast. I think it will be great in the end though and should last at least a couple years. And when it's done, I'll resume a more normal rhythm with plenty more previews of what to come ;)




So even Chalyss enjoys a good hunt once in a while it seems ^_^ (me like that very very much :-) which surprises me a little as I thought she was more of the lazy type due to her status as succubus princess. Then again I can imagine that this is a welcome change to all the duties/assignments that her position brings about ^^' .


Well it's a bit of a special circumstance, you'll see XP


She have heck of a appetite