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The sketches of the month in progress :)

Lot of vore this time, with eager and not-so-eager ladies XP




hmmm... the girl in the upper right doesnt seem so eager

David Dent

Crisis is such a freaking cheater! In the guide it says Cleary she can only spawn near the giant tree and yet here she is swimming! I bet she didn't even fill in this perk on her stat sheet! I demand a re-roll! Also got us some Elli and Milly shot how cute! Hmm a cyberpunk giantess and....*Does a double take* Say that giantess reluctantly voring that fellow looks like Clare! OoO Long lost twin sisteracation?!


*sigh* I love Crisis, so much. x3


Oh look it is one of my favorite story giantess, Milly next to Miss redesigned Elli who I hate on a personal level. Seriously Elli can go die in a fire. I love seeing Milly in your work.


If the reluctant giantess is top right; it's actually Komari from Non Non Biyori! My pred waifu <3 Also, damn, props to whoever asked for the bottom left Crisis one! Straight down my alley as well!


Well thats one way to get a meal and a refreshing drink at the same time =3 Also is that top left one Joi from the new Blade Runner film?


La nenette en haut à droite ressemble grave à Saikawa dans Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon !


Love it! They're both Milly and Elli are super cute. Crisis drinking up those swimmers is both cute and terrifying at the same time :)


Crisis=cute and sexy Milly=cute and sexy Ellie=cute and sexy but why so mad ??


Nice set! Crisis really is just the best! The way she's slurping in those swimmers is really quite an amazing scene, adorable and super-imposing at once. Dunno why I've never thought to write a vore scene like that . . . considering how much of my stories take place in the water. xD


The tiny human is "a fatty", as she would say, and Elli doesn't eat those. She thinks it's gross and believes it goes straight to her thighs.


Ah tu as raison il y a un peu de ça XP ( mais c'est pas elle ^^ )


Elli's on a diet eh ? Milly welcomes this circumstance. More humans for her ^^ :D .


Well I agree Elli is a pretty mean one yeah, but you can't deny she's also very sexy X3