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Menu for the four next weeks ( it's subject to changes though ) First : more previews of the comic ! XD 2-3 more seems to be a good number. After that I'll start with the shading and you will get to see the work in progress of that part as well :) -The map. Yes I know it's been a while since I posted the black and white lineart but this time I'm putting it on top priority. It will get done ! :D -The Anna vore picture : another due one but I'm going to put this one aside for the time being though ^^; the reason is I'm not really satisfied with the current version I showed you. Expression wise there is something a little off and the anatomy is not that great :/ I feel it's one of these picture I'm going to end up redoing... - A picture of Jewlia. It's a commission for Kikijonson. From now on I want to make one commission a month in order to clear my current list and being able to open them again :) -The picture of Déméchrelle in her sleep and showing why even then she can be dangerous. I'm also planning to do something for when we reach the next milestone, to thank you all for your fantastic support ! I will create a 5 to 8 pages comic on a subject entirely left for you to decide ;) It could be the continuation of a certain picture I did, or an unspoken scene in a previous comic, or something completely unrelated with characters from a given anime etc Once we get there I will create a thread where everyone can contribute their ideas, then I'll pick some, and then maybe create a poll or so to chose the winner. We're not there yet but it's steadily approaching ;)



Aww for the Anna picture, but i understand why. I would rather get a pciture your fully satisfied with then something your just disappointed by. But more comic pages definitely are welcome! Expecially since the last one.


More Vore Comic previews (the last ones were excellent) , a commission picture and a mini comic announcement for the next milestone ? So many AWESOME things in that long list. My brain can't contain all the excitement :O !!!


The Anna picture is not canceled by any means though :) it will come and when it does I will make sure it's good ;)