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Thank you for your support everyone :)

I also want to apologize.. you might have noticed that my rythm has decreased a bit compared to previous months.. The truth is I'm going through something of an art block. Now don't worry; it's not a big one ! it won't prevent me from drawing ( nothing will ever will XD ) but it's making me scatter myself...

Like I mentioned a little while ago, I'm kind of stuck in that strange mindset where I start a lof of things, and ends up finishing few... : /
I can see it as soon as I draw. Many things I do are just left as sketches or WIP stage and my mind wander to something else. I can continue the drawing in question but my mind is just not here anymore.
It's leaving me drained, frustrated and annoyed at myself, which is a bad state to be in when you draw.
When that happens it makes you more frantic and stressed in turn, which, of course, means you're going to do worse than usual and from there, it's like a self-feeding circle...

So.. yeah I'm going to work on addressing all that ( usually walking a bit in nature do the trick for me ) and hopefully very soon i'll be back at 100% again ! ;3

Thank you for bearing with me and for always be so supportive all of you ! ;)



I imagine it can be exausting when it come to drawing or art so make sure to pace youself and get rest or breaks. The world you've created is pretty cool so i look forward to seeing more


Yeah karbo take care of youself before you overstress yourself. There is now rush, understand

David Dent

I feel your pain, brother. This is what.I.seem to be going through too. ^_^; I start something and just never am satisfied with the ressults and it ends up being a WIP I stash away abd forget about. Probably just winter getting us down I'd bet! It has this effect of being a more stressful time.Heck that's why they call it 'Winter Blues'.


I'm not gonna say I haven't noticed the change in pace over the last few months, but that still hasn't stopped you from making great pieces of art. But you also should just remember to take care of yourself and make sure that your not stressing yourself out. And honestly if you need like small vacation or sometime to yourself, I don't think anyone here would be upset with that. Just make sure you don't burn yourself out. Also I'm definitely looking forward to the coming weeks/months ahead. Keep up the great work! =D


Honestly your a great artist and it happens to the best of em. I'm not dropping my support.


You’re doing fine , don’t worry


All is good picture output (including the finished ones) still has been better than ever this year (in my opinion) °__^. Can't speak for the other supporters but I for one am very very pleased with your work. Dunno but from what you wrote maybe a little timeout from Patreon/deviantart (I'm sure the people will understand) might help you best in breaking that art block. You've definitely earned yourself a little vacation :-) .

Minamoto Terumi

To be honest, your sketches and rough work tends to be pretty nice to look at, so it's not a downside if you leave it at that. The sketch canvases and studies you upload are some of my favorite pieces of yours. Maybe draw and upload some things with the intent of leaving them at a sketch stage? The other option is that you could set your patreon to pause for a month. Nobody pays any money and nobody loses their pledge, so you could take a break if that's what you need.


I wanted to ask if you might do commissions these days if you are not motivating your self to draw your own characters. Might be time to draw for some others =)

Sebastian Welz

if iam stressed or mind blocked in any way, i just read "Ready Player One" and then everything pieces itself together


Take care of yourself man. Take the time you need to get through this block, well all be here for you to back you up. You come first man.


Don't worry, if I remember well Leonardo DaVinci or Michael Angelo had the same problem with starting and finishing their works xD Art needs time :)


haha yeah you are right it always seems to come right at the end of the year or at the start ^^


ack for now I have a rather full commission list ^^;


thank you ! I will take myself some rest around the year end yeah XP


I don't think i will go to that but yeah I could do that about sketches :3 Thanks for the advice :)


Don't stress yourself out too much about it. Honestly, a whole bunch of semi-finished art from you is still pretty fantastic, overall. xP But take some time to relax and recollect yourself, if it's bothering you. I'm not sure how it is with you, but this is an INCREDIBLY stressful time of the year for me, so that might be contributing as well. xD


T'excuse pas, gars : t'as l'droit d'être un peu à sec niveau motivation. Du moment qu'tu nous prévient, c'est OK. ^^


Merci ;) Le pire c'est que c'est pas vraiment une question de motivation c'est juste un problème de focus. Mais ça va déjà mieux je sens ^^


very true, it's a lot a question of being in the spirit :)


now that you mention it, it's true for me as well XD End of year and the very beginning of the year actually ^^